Information for researchers

The processes related to research collaboration and data transfer are currently being updated.

If you have any urgent matters related to research collaboration, please contact:


Record of the Finnish Mobile Clinic Health Examination Survey (FMC)

Record of the Finnish Mobile Clinic Follow-up Survey (FMCF)

Record of the Mini-Finland Health Survey (FMC) (under construction)

Cohort profile: The Finnish Mobile Clinic Health Surveys FMC, FMCF and MFS


For studies that comply with the research area of the THL Biobank, you can apply for a permit to use the Finnish Mobile Clinic data and numerous other datasets with a single application submitted to the THL Biobank.

THL Biobank

If you need further information about the data, its utilization and the register follow-up data linked to it, please, contact: autoklinikka(at)


Will be updated in Autumn 2020.

New processes in Autumn 2020.