Theses based on the Helsinki Psychotherapy Study data
Doctoral theses
- Ehrling L. Psykoterapian vaikutusten arvioiminen. Keskusteluanalyyttinen tutkimus arviointihaastattelun käytänteistä [Conversation analytic study on the interviewing practices of outcome assessment] University of Helsinki, Department of Social Psychology, Social Psychological Studies 13, Helsinki 2006.
- Heinonen E. Therapists' professional and personal characteristics as predictors of working alliance and outcome in psychotherapy. National Institute for Health and Welfare, Research 123. Helsinki, 2014.
- Holi M. Assessment of psychiatric symptoms using the SCL-90. Helsinki University Printing House, Helsinki 2003.
- Juntumaa R. Psykoanalyysi oppimisprosessina [Psychoanalysis as a learning process]. University of Helsinki, Department of Education, Research Report 217, 2008.
- Laaksonen M. Patient suitability for short-term and long-term psychotherapy. National Institute for Health and Welfare, Research 144. Helsinki, 2014.
- Lehtovuori P. Psykoterapeutin henkilökohtaisten ominaisuuksien merkitys psykoterapiassa – ja niiden vaikutus tuloksellisuuteen identiteettihaastattelun perusteella (pdf 1 839 kt). [The significance of the personal characteristics of psychotherapists in psychotherapy and their effect on treatment results based on an identity interview]. University of Jyväskylä, Faculty of Education and Psychology. Jyväskylä Studies in Education, Psychology and Social Research 602, Jyväskylä 2018.
- Lindfors O. Personality functioning and psychotherapy outcome. National Institute for Health and Welfare, Research 127. Helsinki, 2014.
- Sammallahti P. Ego mechanisms of defense. An empirical study. University of Helsinki, Department of Psychiatry, Helsinki University Printing House, Helsinki, 1997.
- Stenius J. The Rorschach Ego Impairment Index (EII-2) as a Predictor of Psychotherapy Outcome and Alliance Development. University of Jyväskylä, Faculty of Education and Psychology. JYU Dissertations 378, 2021.
- Tontti J. Masennuksen arkea [Causal experiences of depression]. Sosiaalipsykologisia tutkimuksia. University of Helsinki, Department of social psychology, Helsinki 2000.
- Valkonen J. Psykoterapia, masennus ja sisäinen tarina [Psychotherapy, depression and inner narrative]. University of Helsinki, Department of Social Psychology, Rehabilitation Foundation, Research Reports 77, Helsinki 2007.
Licenciate theses
- Happo H. Mitä psykoterapiassa opitaan? Kahdeksan naisen kokemuksia lyhyestä psykodynaamisesta psykoterapiasta tai voimavarasuuntautuneesta lyhytterapiasta. [What is to be learned in psychotherapy? Eight women’s experiences of short-term psychodynamic psychotherapy or solution-focused therapy.] University of Helsinki, Faculty of Behavioural Sciences, Helsinki 2011.
- Heiskanen T. Piirreoptimismi lyhyen ja pitkän psykoterapian tuloksellisuuden ennustajana [Dispositional optimism as a predictor of outcome in short- and long-term psychotherapy]. University of Helsinki, Department of Psychology, Helsinki 2010.
- Jyrä K. The impact of psychotherapy treatments of different length and type on health behavior during a 5-year follow-up. University of Helsinki, Institute of Behavioural Sciences, Helsinki 2015.
- Kaarento K. Koherenssin tunteen ja defensiivisen tyylin välinen yhteys psykoterapiaan hakeutuvilla masennus- ja ahdistuspotilailla [The relationship between the sense of coherence and defensive style in anxiety and depression patients referred to psychotherapy]. University of Helsinki, Department of Psychology, Helsinki 2002.
- Kurki M. Childhood family atmosphere as a predictor of psychotherapy outcome - comparison of short- and long-term therapy. University of Helsinki, Department of Psychology, Helsinki 2009.
- Lehtovuori P. Psykoterapeuttien kokemuksia ammatillisesta kehityksestä ja henkilökohtaisesta elämästä [Experiences of psychotherapists on their professional growth and personal lives]. University of Turku. Faculty of Social Sciences, Turku 2002.
- Lilja A. Terapeuttinen allianssi oiremuutosten ennustajana lyhytterapiassa [Therapeutic alliance as a predictor of changes in psychiatric symptoms in short-term therapy]. University of Helsinki, Department of Psychology, Helsinki 2009.
- Lindfors O. Criterion validity of the quality of object relations scale. University of Helsinki, Department of Psychology, Helsinki 2003.
- Meronen M-L. Psykoterapiasoveltuvuuden yhteydet yhteistyösuhteeseen [The relationship between the suitability for psychotherapy and the alliance]. University of Helsinki, Faculty of Behavioral Sciences, Helsinki 2004.
- Ollila P. Patients’ pretreatment interpersonal problems predict therapeutic alliance in long-term psychodynamic psychotherapy. University of Helsinki, Faculty of Behavioural Sciences, Helsinki 2013.
- Pyykkönen N. The validity and reliability of the Level of Personality Assessment Scale (LPO). University of Helsinki, Department of Psychology, Helsinki 2008.
- Valkonen H. Associations between the Rorschach Ego Impairment Index (EII-2) and the Level of Personality Organization (LPO) interview assessment in outpatients seeking psychotherapy for depressive and anxiety disorders. University of Helsinki, Department of Psychology, Helsinki 2009.
Master's theses
- Aarnio S. Pitkän psykodynaamisen psykoterapian keskeyttäminen potilaan kokemana – terapeuttisen yhteistyösuhteen näkökulma [Premature termination of long-term psychodynamic psychotherapy from the perspective of therapeutic alliance]. University of Jyväskylä, Department of Psychology, Jyväskylä 2020.
- Grandell L. Patient’s psychological factors as predictors of treatment non-attendance in short- and long-term psychotherapy. University of Helsinki, Department of Psychology and Logopedics, Helsinki 2020.
- Haaramo P. Koherenssikäsityksen yhteys masennusoireilun muutokseen eri sosiodemografisten tekijöiden mukaan [Prediction of the Sense of Coherence on changes in depressive symptoms in categories of sociodemographic factors]. University of Helsinki, Department of Sociology, Helsinki 2008.
- Hartikainen T. Yksilöllisten kohdeongelmien luokittelu ja yhteydet muihin potilastekijöihin psykoterapiaan hakeutuvilla masennus- ja ahdistuneisuushäiriöpotilailla. Helsingin yliopisto [Target complaints; classification and relationships to patient characteristics in depressive and anxiety disorder patients seeking psychotherapy], University of Helsinki, Department of Psychology, Helsinki 2010.
- Heinonen E. Therapists' professional and personal characteristics as predictors of outcome in short- and long-term psychotherapy. University of Helsinki, Department of Psychology, Helsinki 2008.
- Hirvas S. Depressiivisyys ja minäkäsitys [Depressiveness and self-concept]. University of Helsinki, Department of Psychology, Helsinki 1999.
- Holm N. Toipumisen konstruktiot ja diskurssianalyyttinen tarkastelu toimijuuden rakentamisesta psykoterapian seurantahaastatteluissa [Discourse analytic study on constructing remission and agency in psychotherapy follow-up interviews]. University of Helsinki, Department of Social Psychology, Helsinki 2009.
- Junttila O. Opiskelijoiden kokemuksia psykoterapiasta ja sen vaikutuksista opinnoissa selviytymiseen [Students' experiences of psychotherapy and about its impact on study success]. University of Lapland, Rehabilitation Science, Rovaniemi, 2011.
- Juntumaa R. Psykoanalyysi oppimisprosessina haastatteluaineiston valossa [Psychoanalysis as a learning process in the view of interview data]. University of Helsinki, Department of Education, Helsinki 2004.
- Kolkkinen C. Personality characteristics and functional capacity in depression and anxiety disorders. University of Jyväskylä, Department of Psychology, Jyväskylä 2002.
- Korhonen E. Psykoterapiaa edeltävän koetun sosiaalisen tuen vaikutus työ- ja toimintakykyyn lyhyessä ja pitkässä psykoterapiassa [Self-rated social support prior to therapy as a predictor of work ability in short-term and long-term psychotherapy]. University of Helsinki, Department of Psychology and Logopedics, Helsinki 2018.
- Laaksonen M. Psychological predictors of the recovery from depression and anxiety disorder in short-term and long-term psychotherapy. University of Jyväskylä, Department of Psychology, Jyväskylä 2008.
- Laurila M. The effect of short- and long-term psychotherapy on perceived social support. University of Helsinki, Department of Psychology and Logopedics, Helsinki 2020.
- Ojanen S. Social support as a predictor of the outcome of depression and anxiety disorder in short-term and long-term psychotherapy. University of Turku, Department of Psychology, Turku 2012.
- Rissanen, J. Comparing cost-effectiveness of short-term and long-term psychodynamic psychotherapies focusing on patients with depressive disorder and their work ability during a 5-year follow-up. University of Helsinki, Faculty of Social Sciences, Helsinki 2021.
- Saari T. Intelligence as a predictor of outcome in short- and long-term psychotherapy. University of Helsinki, Faculty of Behavioral Sciences, Helsinki 2013.
- Sario J. Piirreoptimismin yhteys masentuneisuuteen psykoterapiapotilailla [The Relationship between Dispositional Optimisms and Depressive Symptoms in Psychotherapy Patients]. University of Helsinki, Department of Psychology, Helsinki, 2007.
- Savolainen J. Target Complaints and change in short-term psychotherapy – Dialogical sequence analysis in the assessment of changes. [Yksilölliset kohdeongelmat ja muutos lyhytpsykoterapiassa. Dialoginen sekvenssianalyysi muutoksen arvioinnissa]. University of Helsinki, Department of Social Sciences, Helsinki 2017.
- Sipari T. Personality characteristics related to interpersonal relations and self-perception measured by Rorschach (CS) and self-reported interpersonal problems before entering therapy. University of Jyväskylä, Department of Psychology, Jyväskylä 1998.
- Sirkiä C. Self-reported immature defense style as a predictor of outcome in short-term and long-term psychotherapy in the treatment of mood and anxiety disorders. University of Turku, Department of Psychology, Turku 2012.
- Yi, Xinxin. Correcting the Effects of Missing Data in Helsinki Psychotherapy Study using Multiple Imputation. University of Helsinki, Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Helsinki 2015.