ORPHAcodes for rare diseases

General information on ORPHAcodes

There are approximately between 6,000 and 8,000 different rare diseases, many of which require special attention and treatment. The international classification of diseases (ICD-10) currently used in healthcare contains an exact ICD-10 code of their own for only approximately seven per cent of the rare diseases. For this reason, people with rare diseases cannot be identified in healthcare registers. 

The ORPHAcodes maintained by Orphanet is the only classification of diseases in which special diagnosis codes can be found for more than 6,000 rare diseases. The introduction of the ORPHAcodes in the healthcare databases is one of the most important objectives of the National programme for rare diseases. ORPHAcodes provide exact information on patients with rare diseases and ensure that the information on rare diseases is collected correctly and in a uniform manner.

Orphanet network and database

Orphanet is a network of approximately 40 countries. Its operation is coordinated by the National Institute of Health and Medical Research INSERM in France. The Orphanet network began its operation in 1997 with the aim of increasing information about rare diseases and improving their diagnostics and treatment. The Orphanet database set up by the network has developed into the most extensive source of information on rare diseases.

The database contains descriptions of more than 6,000 rare diseases, details of how common the diseases are, the age of onset, the genetic background and possible pharmaceutical treatments. The Orphanet database also contains the Orphanet nomenclature and the terminology related to the codes. Information on the centres of expertise, medical laboratories, different research projects and patient associations in the different Member States is collected to the database. 


Finding the correct ORPHAcode

When the diagnosis for the patient’s rare disease has been determined, the individual rare disease and its subtypes can easily be found with the name of the disease in the Orphanet database by using the search function.

Search for a rare disease (Orphanet)

It is often difficult for a clinician to know whether a disease in their own field is a rare one on the basis of its prevalence, unless the disease is ultra-rare. Rare diseases have therefore been retrieved from Orphanet and compiled by disorder group in the Excel file opening from the link below (main categories, groups of disorders, individual disorders, possible subtypes of disorders). On the basis of these lists of diagnoses, it is possible to view the list of the rare diseases in one’s own field and their specific ORPHAcodes by topic or speciality.

ORPHAcodes all groups 15.2.2023 (Xlsx 974 KB)

The information has been compiled from the Orphanet database of rare diseases and orphan drugs. © INSERM 1999. File downloaded on 15 February 2023. 

The file is not fully accessible  An accessible version of the file can be found in the national Code Service under THL - Harvinaissairauksien Orpha-luokitus (in Finnish). In addition to this, you can also search for rare diseases in English in the Orphanet database.

ORPHA codes for rare diseases (in Finnish, THL´s National code server)


Frequently asked questions

Further information

ORPHAcodes for rare diseases (YouTube)

The video is about ORPHAcodes, which are the only classification of diseases with a specific code of its own for more than 6,000 rare diseases. There are a large number of different rare diseases, but the international classification of diseases (ICD-10) currently used in healthcare does not identify the majority of rare diseases at all.

The use of ORPHAcodes helps the authorities to obtain specific information about patients with rare diseases, doctors to treat their patients better and patients to find the right kind of information on their disease. It also helps to strengthen coordination between countries.