Organization and network participants

Each ministry in the Nordic countries and Greenland, Faroe Islands and Aland mandates the national representatives to act as members of the research network.

Each country can appoint up to two organizations, which participate in the international meetings of the Nordic eHealth Research Network at the expense of the NCM as stated in section 5 of the Mandate. One of these organizations is in charge of, and responsible for, the work and results which is carried out in accordance which the Mandate on behalf of the country it represents. The other organization(s) will participate under the responsible organizations leadership. Other interested non-profit research organisations in can participate in the work at their own expense. The responsible research organisations within each country coordinate participation of other willing parties within their countries. 

Responsible Research organizations nominated by their respective countries' ministries and network participants are:


  • Responsible Party: Aalborg University


  • Responsible Party: Finnish institute for health and welfare (THL)
  • Participant: University of Oulu / FinnTelemedicum
  • Other research organisation: Aalto University


  • Responsible Party: The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU),  Coordinator of the network
  • Participant: Norwegian Centre for E-health Research (NSE)


  • Karolinska Institutet, LIME, Health Informatics Centre
  • Linköping University (IDA)


  • Responsible party: Directorate of Health

Karolinska Institutet logo SDU logo

NTNU logo

Aalborg university logo


Norwegian Centre for E-health Research

Embaetti landlaeknis logo