Nordic eHealth Research Network (NeRN)


15.2.2012 –

Unit at THL:

Health and Social Care Systems Department

On other websites:

The Nordic eHealth Research Network (NeRN) was set on 15.02.2012 by the Nordic Council of Ministers (NCM) as a subgroup for NCM eHealth group.  The NeRN group work is supported by a 2-yearly mandate from the NCM eHealth group. See “Organization and network participants” for the core network and ways to participate in the work.  
Nordic Council of Ministers
Organization and network participants

Aims and Results of the Network

The group searches and develops common Nordic indicators for eHealth functionalities and services. Furthermore it tests them to produce Nordic eHealth benchmark data for use by national and international policy makers and scientific communities to support development of Nordic welfare.

Aims and key results of the 2-year working periods are depicted on the Results page.
Go to Results

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