Strengthening knowledge basis and research

In order to be able to target suicide prevention actions more precisely, we need access to up-to-date data on age and regional distribution of suicides, as well as means of suicides. In order to find new ways to prevent suicide, we also need further research on underlying causes of suicide and the effectiveness of suicide prevention measures.

Measure 27: The Ministry of Social Affairs and Health implements a national plan for suicide prevention for each governmental period, committing all stakeholders and administrations to suicide prevention actions.

Measure 28: Including the suicide prevention programme in all municipal and/ or regional health and wellbeing plans (such as a mental health and/or substance abuse programmes and plans).

Measure 29: Providing research funding for new, digital solutions for suicide prevention.

Measure 30: Extending accident and incident investigations to include a so-called ‘psychological autopsy’ in the event of suicides. Initially this will be implemented in relation to young people who have died by suicide, eventually covering all suicides which have occurred during treatment or within a month of discharge.

Measure 31: The Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare launches a national suicide register for the purpose of monitoring and assessing the quality of suicide prevention actions, and enabling suicide research.

Measure 32: Bringing together national multidisciplinary competency in suicide research in order to strengthen and improve its effectiveness.

Measure 33: Allocating and resourcing the responsibility for coordination, monitoring and assessment of the national suicide prevention programme to a specific and task-appropriate organisation.

Measure 34: Implementing early intervention through community organisations for instance via the Suicide Prevention Centre at Mental Health Finland (Mieli).

Measure 35: Establishing permanence for community organisations and other actors engaging in suicide prevention through support from the Funding Centre for Social Welfare and Health Organisations as well as support from municipalities and regions.

Measure 36: Presenting national research funders with an interdisciplinary suicide prevention research programme.