Turkish high-level delegation from the Ministry of Family and Social Services visited THL to learn about child protection and child care services in Finland
Group of specialists from Türkiye visiting THL. Photo: Sirje Vaittinen
During 12–16 December 2022 the delegation met with THL (Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare), Ministry of Justice and Ministry of the Interior experts and learned about the Finnish child protection system and child care services. They also had the chance to visit relevant NGOs like Children of the Station and hear about their services, as well as Mannerheim League of Child Welfare, and SOS Children’s Villages.
Senior specialist Emilia Hämäläinen, Ministry of the Interior (left) and Development Manager Minna Sinkkonen , THL (right) presenting the Anchor-model. Photo: Sirje Vaittinen
Visits to Children’s Home Hyvönen and the Reception Centre and group home for unaccompanied minors in the City of Espoo were also included in the programme.
The participants were very happy with the programme, and the visit was an opening for further cooperation in the framework of the project.
Many children in Turkey, particularly those belonging to the most disadvantaged groups, are still vulnerable to violence, abuse, exploitation and neglect despite positive strides.
The mass influx of refugees over the last years has placed a heavy strain on the national child protection system, challenging the capacity of authorities and civil society organizations to effectively prevent and respond to child protection risks and violations.
THL is one of the consortium members in the EU-funded Project Technical Assistance for the Support for Children’s Rights in Turkey 2021–2024.
For more information:
Project page: Technical Assistance for the Support for Children’s Rights in Turkey
Project page: Technical Assistance for the Support for Children’s Rights in Turkey (oznecocuk.com)