Laws and policies
The objective of the Narcotics Act (373/2008) is to prevent illicit import to and export from Finland of narcotic drugs, and their illicit manufacture, distribution and use.
Narcotics Act Link to an external websiteOpens in a new tab
Government decree on substances, preparations and plants considered as narcotics (543/2008) lists the substances and preparations defined as narcotics, and their chemical formula as well as the plants considered to produce a narcotic effect.
The Government decree on psychoactive substances banned from the consumer market (1130/2014) contains a list of psychoactive substances banned from the consumer market. A compound becomes a psychoactive substance banned from the consumer market when it is added to the aforementioned degree. The substances listed in the annex are therefore not drugs. Chapter 44 of the Criminal Code of Finland, Offences endangering health and safety, is applied to psychoactive substances banned from the consumer market.
Act on organising alcohol, tobacco, drugs and gambling prevention (523/2015). According to the Act the state and municipalities have a statutory duty to produce structures that enable preventive substance abuse work. The Act on organising alcohol, tobacco, drugs and gambling prevention steers the work carried out to reduce the harmful impacts of substance abuse. The Action Plan on Alcohol, Tobacco, Drugs and Gambling supports the work carried out in municipalities and regions.
More information
Country Drug Report 2019Link to an external websiteOpens in a new tab