Drug research

Finnish people’s drug use and the development of attitudes towards drugs, related problems and policies are monitored in various research projects. A multidisciplinary approach is often used in the studies. The research data include repeated surveys, various statistics and registers, interviews and online discussions. Research subjects vary from the entire population to specific groups. 

Drug Survey

Drug Surveys have been used to examine the use of drugs and other intoxicants as well as the opinions and attitudes towards drugs among the Finnish adult population in 1992, 1996, 1998, 2002, 2006, 2010 and 2014. The most recent survey was implemented in autumn 2018. The research conducted enables us to examine changes in the prevalence of drug use and related attitudes. The data play a key role in the national monitoring of the drug issue. 

High-risk drug use

The high-risk drug use population is assessed in research projects carried out every few years. The research is implemented using statistical modelling based on the data available on opioid and amphetamine users in the care and police registers. The results are used for purposes such as assessing the development of the drug situation and the need for services.
High-risk drug use (in Finnish)  

Wastewater Study: drug use at population level

THL’s wastewater study produces information on the regional incidence of drug use and its changes. The situation in Finland is assessed through a comparison with the international drug situation.  
THL’s wastewater study website (in Finnish) 

Drug residues in syringes 

THL’s syringe residue analysis produces information about intravenous drug use and related changes. The situation in Finland is assessed through a comparison with the international drug situation. 

Substance Use Related Cases in Social and Health Services

This survey is used to collect information about the substance-use-related visits in all social welfare and health care services. The survey has been carried out every four years since 1987. The aim of the study is to form a picture of the service system for substance users, which extends to health care and social services, but also includes a large number of third-party actors, for instance. The survey enables the monitoring of changes in the service system and client base.
Substance Use Related Cases in Social and Health Services