Importation of generally hazardous infectious diseases
Anyone importing microbes causing generally hazardous infectious diseases must submit an import notification to the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare using the notification form available on this page.
The Communicable Diseases Act regulates the notification obligation (Communicable Diseases Act 1227/2016, section 87).
1. Check whether you are obliged to submit a notification of the importation
A list of generally hazardous infectious diseases is included in the Government Decree on Communicable Diseases.
Generally hazardous communicable diseases and communicable diseases to be monitored (in Finnish)
The reporting duty does not, however, apply to patient or quality assurance specimens imported to a laboratory referred to under section 18 for laboratory examinations related to the treatment of a patient or quality assurance.
2. Fill out and send the notification
Notification form (in Finnish pdf 94 kt)
Send the form to:
Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare
The Department of Health Security / Susanna Sissonen
P.O. Box 30, 00271 Helsinki, Finland
3. Further information
If necessary, contact a specialist at THL for more information.
Susanna Sissonen
Senior Specialist
Tel. +358 29 524 8852