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  • Press release 28.01.2025
    A crisis-resilient society is made up of healthy, adaptable and mutually supportive people and systems that strengthen the health and welfare of the population. According to a recent report by the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare, most Finns feel safe in their lives and trust societal actors and their loved ones, but their trust in frameworks such as political decision-making and the health care system has declined in recent years. The feeling of insecurity has also become more common, especially among older people.
  • News item 22.01.2025
    When it comes to walking or cycling to work or place of study, 19% of women and 15% of men living in Finland maintain a physically active commute all year round, reveals the Healthy Finland Survey conducted by the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL). A physically active commute refers to walking or cycling the entire way, or walking or cycling more than one kilometre combined with taking public transport.
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