Sleep and sleep disorders

In the deepest stages of sleep, the body repairs cellular damage and strengthens the connections between neurons, especially in brain areas that are important for memory. It is possible that new nerve cells are formed in these brain areas even in adults. On the other hand, unnecessary synaptic connections are eliminated.

Sleep is a sensitive health indicator. Sleep can be easily disrupted by both psychological and physical stress factors. As a result, sleep may become shorter or longer than normal. People suffering from insomnia and hypersomnia must be encouraged to have a regular daily routine.


Insomnia means inability to sleep. The most common reasons for insomnia are depression and substance abuse. Of all adults who suffer from insomnia, 62% have a mental health disorder, 25% are healthy and 12% have a sleep disorder that manifests itself as insomnia.


Hypersomnia means abnormal sleepiness. Hypersomnia is a disorder that manifests itself as excessive fatigue. A person with hypersomnia does not wake up refreshed from sleep and suffer from sleepiness even if they have slept longer than normal.

Sleep deficit

Sleep deficit accumulates if a person does not get enough sleep at night. In such a case, sleep is also often of poor quality and does not refresh enough. The situations in which sleep deficit can accumulate are when a person does not have the time to sleep long enough, does not want to sleep long enough, cannot get sleep or does not have an opportunity to sleep even if they would like to. Also insomnia can lead to sleep deficit if the affected person cannot get sleep even if they have the time and desire to sleep and favourable sleeping conditions.