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Those starting their military service in January are recommended to get a free influenza vaccine before they start their service

Publication date 13 Dec 2021

Hand washing.

Influenza is a serious illness that can cause dangerous secondary diseases. Those starting their military service in January will be entitled to a free influenza vaccination in the same way as other target groups of the influenza vaccination. Instructions on how to book a vaccination appointment are available on the website of your municipality. It is a good idea to get an influenza vaccine before the beginning of the military service. 

“The influenza virus spreads easily in densely populated conditions, and even healthy adults may experience serious influenza symptoms. Recovery might take a long time, and after the disease, you may get a secondary disease such as pneumonia or myocarditis. The influenza vaccine protects both your health and that of others, and prevents the spread of the virus,” says Anna Scherleitner, Medical Specialist at THL.

The vaccine can also be administered when the military service begins

If the person entering military service has not received an influenza vaccination during the autumn, the vaccination may also be administered when entering the service. However, a vaccine given at the beginning of the year might be too late to provide sufficient protection before the start of the influenza epidemic. Getting the vaccine is still useful, as different influenza viruses travel to Finland at different times throughout the winter and spring.

An influenza vaccine can also be administered at any interval or simultaneously with another vaccine, such as a coronavirus vaccine. 

“The coronavirus vaccination is also very important during military service, as infections spread easily in those conditions. It is therefore recommended to get the coronavirus vaccination now at the latest, if you do not have it yet,” says Scherleitner.

There are still plenty of influenza vaccines left 

Influenza vaccinations have progressed well and there are still enough vaccines left. Two million vaccine doses to be injected and 116,000 nasal spray vaccine doses have been acquired for the national vaccination programme. More vaccines are on their way to the municipalities where there is a temporary shortage of vaccines. Those over 65 years of age have been more enthusiastic to get vaccinated than in the previous season. 

“Around 1 million influenza vaccinations provided in the national vaccination programme have already been recorded in the National Vaccination Register, but some data might be missing due to, for example, data transfer. If you belong to the target group of the national vaccination programme, it is a good idea to go and get a free influenza vaccine now if you have not got it yet,” says Scherleitner. 

The influenza epidemic has not yet started in Finland, but recently more influenza A and B findings have been reported to the Finnish National Infectious Diseases Register than in previous weeks. The influenza epidemic has not yet begun in Europe, either. 

THL monitors the progress of the influenza season and updates the influenza information during the entire season.

Further information

Influenza vaccines for those starting their military service 
(THL, in Finnish)

What is influenza?  
(THL, in Finnish)

Influenza vaccine

Up-to-date influenza review  
(THL, in Finnish)

Influenza vaccinations administered in the season 2021–2022
(THL, in Finnish) 

Anna Scherleitner 
Medical Specialist (vaccination and vaccines)
tel. +358 29 524 8371
[email protected] 

Niina Ikonen
Chief Specialist (influenza monitoring)
tel. +358 29 524 8413
[email protected] 

Hanna Nohynek
Chief Physician (vaccinations and vaccines)
tel. +358 29 524 8246
[email protected] 

Infektiotaudit ja rokotukset Main site influenza - thlfi-en