Jaana Halonen


Title: Chief Researcher, RDI Programme Director
Phone: 029 524 6100
Email: [email protected]


  • Environmental health including health effects of air pollution, traffic noise, green space, and socioeconomic neighborhood characteristics 
  • Climate change and health

Primary Duties

  • RDI Programme Director, Safe and Healthy Living Environments


  • 2016, Title of Docent, environmental epidemiology, University of Eastern Finland
  • 2009, PhD, epidemiology, University of Kuopio and THL
  • 2005, MSc, environmental science, University of Kuopio

Professional background

  • 2019–2024, PI, Stockholm university, Sweden
  • 2019–, Research Programme Director, Safe and Health Promoting Environment, THL
  • 2019–2021, PI, Stockholm university, Sweden
  • 2015–2019, senior researcher, Finnish Institute of Occupational Health
  • 2014, Research Fellow, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, UK
  • 2010–2013, senior reseracher, Finnish Institute of Occupational Health
  • 2009–2010, Post-doctoral Research Fellow, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, USA
  • 2005–2009, PhD student, THL


  • 2023–2026, deputy PI, Nudging for climate: Using behavioral sciences for steering communities to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and fortify carbon sinks (CLIMATE-NUDGE), THL
  • 2022–2024, PI, Warmer and darker climate: Effects on mental health and health behaviors (CLIMENT), University of Stockholm
  • 2020–2023, deputy PI, Nudging for climate: Using behavioral sciences for steering communities to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and fortify carbon sinks (CLIMATE-NUDGE), THL
  • 2020–2022, sub-project PI, HYVIÖ: Spatial information and residents' experiences for development of comfortable living environments, THL
  • 2019–2021, PI, Home and workplace – do their locations matter for health?, University of Stockholm

More information online

Twitter: @jaana_halonen


PhD thesis

Acute Cardiorespiratory Health Effects of Size-Segregated Ambient Particulate Air pollution and Ozone. University of Kuopio, Finland, and National Institute for Health and Welfare, Kuopio, Finland. 2009.

Scientific publications

90 peer-reviewed articles, including

Viinikka A, Tiitu M, Heikinheimo V, Halonen JI, Nyberg E, Vierikko K. Associations of neighborhood-level socioeconomic status, accessibility, and quality of green spaces in Finnish urban regions. Applied Geography. 2023.

Jussila JJ, Pulakka A, Ervasti J, Halonen JI, Mikkonen S, Allaouat S, Salo P, Lanki T. Associations of leisure-time physical activity and active school transport with mental health outcomes: a population-based study. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports. 2023.

Turunen AW, Halonen JI, Korpela K, Ojala A, Pasanen T, Siponen T, Tiittanen P, Tyrväinen L, Yli-Tuomi T, Lanki T. Associations of different types of nature exposure with psychotropic, anti-hypertensive and asthma medication. Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 2023.

Raza A, Magnusson Hanson LL, Westerlund H, Mäkelä P, Halonen JI. Access to alcohol outlets from home and work: longitudinal associations with problem drinking. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs. 2023.

Ranzani OT, Kalra A, Di Girolamo C, Curto A, Valerio F, Jaana I. Halonen JI, Basagaña X, Tonne C. Urban-rural differences in hypertension prevalence in low-income and middle-income countries, 1990-2020: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Accepted for publication in PLOS Medicine 2022.

Pasanen S, Halonen JI, Pentti J, Vahtera J, Kestens Y, Thierry B, Brondeel R, Leskinen T & Stenholm S. Changes in physical activity by context and residential greenness among recent retirees: longitudinal GPS and accelerometer study. Health & Place. 2022.

Halonen JI, Erhola M, Furman E, Haahtela T, Jousilahti P, Barouki R, Bergman Å, Billo NE, Fuller R, Haines A, Kogevinas M, Kolossa-Gehring M, Krauze K, Lanki T, Lobo Vicente J, Messerli P, Nieuwenhuijsen M, Paloniemi R, Peters A, Posch K-H, Timonen P, Vermeulen R, Virtanen SM, Bousquet J, Antó JM. A call for urgent action to safeguard our Planet and our health in line with the Helsinki Declaration. Environmental Research. 2021

Raza A, Claeson M, Magnusson Hanson LL, Westerlund H, Virtanen M, Halonen JI. Home and workplace neighborhood socioeconomic status and behavior-related health: a within-individual analysis. Ann Behav Med. 2021

Heikkilä K, Coughlin PA, Pentti J, Kivimäki M, Halonen JI. Physical Activity and Peripheral Artery Disease: Two Prospective Cohort Studies and a Systematic Review. Atherosclerosis. 2019;286:114-120.

Halonen JI, Merikukka M, Gissler M, Kerkelä M, Virtanen M, Ristikari T, Hiilamo H, Lallukka T. Pathways from parental mental disorders to offspring’s work disability due to depressive or anxiety disorders in early adulthood – the 1987 Finnish birth cohort. Depression and Anxiety. 2019;36(4):305-312.

Kivimäki M, Vahtera J, Tabák AG, Halonen JI, Vineis P, Pentti J, Kähönen M, Juonala M, Ferrie JE, Stringhini S, Raitakari OT. Neighbourhood socioeconomic disadvantage, risk factors, and diabetes: a cohort study from childhood to middle age. Lancet Public Health. 2018;3(8):e365-e373.

Halonen JI, Koskinen A, Kouvonen A, Varje P, Pirkola S, Väänänen A. Distinctive use of newer and older antidepressants in major geographical areas: A nationally representative register-based study. Journal of Affective Disorders 2018:358-363.

Halonen JI & Dehbi H-M, Hansell AL, Fecht D, Gulliver J, Blangiardo M, Kelly FJ, Chaturvedi N, Kivimäki M, Tonne C. Associations of night-time road traffic noise with carotid intima-media thickness and blood pressure: the Whitehall II and SABRE study cohorts. Environment International. 2017;98:54–61.

Pulakka A, Halonen JI, Kawachi I, Pentti J, Stenholm S, Jokela M, Kaate I, Vahtera J, Kivimäki M. Change in Distance from Home to Tobacco Outlet as a Predictor of Quitting Smoking and Relapsing to Smoking – A Longitudinal Cohort Study. JAMA Internal Medicine. 2016;176(10):1512-1519.

Halonen JI, Stenholm S, Pentti J, Kawachi I, Subramanian SV, Kivimäki M, Vahtera J. Childhood Psychosocial Factors and Adulthood Neighbourhood Disadvantage as Predictors of Cardiovascular Disease: a cohort study. Circulation 2015;132(5):371-9.

Halonen JI, Hansell A, Gulliver J, Morley D, Blangiardo M, Fecht D, Toledano M, Anderson HR, Beevers S, Kelly FJ, Tonne C. Road traffic noise is associated with increased cardiovascular morbidity and mortality and all-cause mortality in London. European Heart Journal 2015;36(39):2653-61