Tuija Ylitörmänen

Tuija Ylitörmänen

Name: Tuija Ylitörmänen
Official title: Senior Specialist, PhD, RN
Tel: +35829 524 8507
E-mail: [email protected]


  • Promotion of welfare, health, and safety
  • Support municipalities and regions in health promotion management
  • Tobacco cessation
  • Injury prevention

Primary duties

  • Specialist for the promotion of welfare, health and safety, and supports the related work of professionals, municipalities and regions.
  • JA-PreventNCD, Implementation of personalized risk stratification for cancer and other NCDs. Tobacco and nicotine cessation subtask 10.4.2
  • The Sustainable Growth Programme for Finland, Development and implementation of an educational programme (pilot) on health promotion for health care professionals in collaboration with the regions.


  • 2021 Doctor of Health Sciences (PhD), Doctoral Programme in Health Sciences, University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio, Finland
  • 2011 Master of Health Sciences (MNSc), Preventive Nursing Science, University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio, Finland
  • 1997 Registered Nurse, (RN), Examination of Nurse, Medical-Surgical Nursing in English, Mikkeli Institute of Vocational Education, Mikkeli, Finland 

Professional background

  • 2023– Senior Specialist, Department of Public Health and Welfare, Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL), Finland
  • 2022, Senior Researcher, Monitoring the Global Tobacco Epidemic, Intoxicants and tobacco, Department of Public Health and Welfare, Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) Finland
  • 2016–2021 Development Specialist, Health Promotion, Wellbeing services county of South Karelia, Finland
  • 2012–2015 Planner, Health Promotion, City of Imatra, Finland

Language skills

  • Finnish (native)
  • Swedish (good)
  • English (good)

Current projects

  • 2023– Strength in Old Age Programme

Previous projects

  • 2021–2022 Hyvä Mieli [Lifestyle Support, National Mental Health Strategy 2020–2030], Project Manager, Wellbeing services county of South Karelia, the South Karelia region, Finland
  • 2017–2019, STOPDM-Research project South Karelia, Project Manager, Wellbeing services county of South Karelia, the South Karelia region, Finland
  • 2015–2017 Vaikeasti työllistyvien työttömien kuntouttaminen työelämään [Develop of operating models to strengthen rehabilitative activities for unemployed], Project Manager, Wellbeing services county of South Karelia, the South Karelia region, Finland

Professional memberships

  • 2022– Member of the Health Promoting Hospitals and Health Services (HPH), Network of Finland 
  • 2022– Healthy cities, member of Steering group


  • 2020– Laptuote-foundation, Chairman of the Board of Directors
  • 2019– The Eastern Finland Heart Association, Chairperson
  • 2012– The Finnish Nurses Association, Deputy member of the Board
  • 2012– Imatra Heart Association, Member of Board

Publications and research

  • Ylitörmänen T, Tarasenko Y, Hiilamo H, Ruokolainen O, Puska P, Ollila H. Cross-sectional study of the associations between the implementation of the WHO FCTC tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship bans and current e-cigarette use among youth from countries with different income levels. Tobacco Control Published Online First: 29 January 2024. doi: 10.1136/tc-2023-058160
  • Ylitörmänen T, Tarasenko Y, Ruokolainen O, Hiilamo H, Puska P, Ollila H. Implementation of the Article 13 WHO FCTC measures and changes in cigarette smoking among youth in 42 countries BMJ Global Health 2023;8:e013255. doi:10.1136/bmjgh-2023-013255
  • Ylitörmänen T, Nuotio M, Kettunen H, Impinen A, Koivula R, Haikonen K. Trends of fatal injuries in older adults in Finland between 1998 and 2020 - a retrospective population-based study. European Journal of Public Health 2023;33(6), 1065–1070. doi: 10.1093/eurpub/ckad177 
  • Ylitörmänen T, Kvist T, Turunen H. Intraprofessional collaboration: A qualitative study of registered nurses’ experiences. Collegian 2022;30, (1), 17–24. 
  • Ylitörmänen T, Kvist T, Turunen H. Perceptions on nurse–nurse collaboration among registered nurses in Finland and Norway. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences 2019;33(3), 731–740.
  • Ylitörmänen T, Turunen H, Mikkonen S, Kvist T. Good nurse–nurse collaboration implies high job satisfaction: A structural equation modelling approach. Nursing Open 2019;6(3), 998–1005.
  • Ylitörmänen T, Turunen H, Kvist T. Job satisfaction among registered nurses in two Scandinavian acute care hospitals. Journal of Nursing Management 2018;26(7), 888–897. doi: 10.1111/jonm.12620
  • Ylitörmänen T, Kvist T, Turunen H. A web-based survey of Finnish nurses’ perceptions of conflict management in nurse-nurse collaboration. International Journal of Caring Sciences 2015;8(2), 263—273.


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