Key areas

Our activities focus on four key areas:

Health and social services funding

  • Needs-based targeting and multi-channel approach are applied to determine and assess the funding of the social welfare and health care system
  • We are developing risk equalisation models for the equitable distribution of funding in Finland.

Read more about Health and social services funding

Impact of government spending and future challenges

  • We utilise the macro simulation model called SOME for foresighting the long-term impact of social expenditure (SOME model), which has been developed by our group, to assess the impacts of demographic changes or changes in service needs on expenditure nationally and/or regionally.

Read more about Impact of government spending and future challenges

Social welfare and health care system performance

  • Assess how the welfare and health care system and individual actors (such as counties, municipalities, hospital districts, hospitals, health centres and care institutions) achieve their targets and objectives.
  • We assess the impacts of national-level decisions on the cost-effectiveness and fairness of social welfare and health care services.
  •  We assess the integration and restructuring of the social welfare and health care system.
  • International comparisons are utilised to explore best practice and benchmark the Finnish social welfare and health care system.

Read more about  Social welfare and health care system performance

Research on equal distribution of services

  • We explore the accessibility, availability, use, and quality of services in different patient and population groups and regions.
  • We create evidence on the determinants of differences in individual level health outcomes and how this interacts with place and the health care and social service system. Focusing on how this relationship may change over time.
  • We assess the impact of national-level policy on equity.

Read more about Research on equal distribution of services