Principles of disability policy

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In Finland, all people must have equal opportunities to live and act in society. The Constitution guarantees equal treatment for persons with disabilities. Discrimination on the grounds of disability is prohibited in the Finnish national legislation, in the European Union legislation and in international human rights’ treaties. 

An important means is designing accessible general services and providing sufficient special services to persons who need them. 


The disability services in Finland promote equal opportunities for every individual to participate in social activities and be an actor in the decisions that concern them. Participation means that the individual has socially meaningful relationships and the experience of membership in various groups. Participation is built in interaction. 

Participation requires removing social, physical and attitude-related obstacles that prevent persons with disabilities from participating in society.

It is important to recognize and develop the expertise needed in social work in disability services. The client’s wishes, opinions and interest should be the top priority. 

The client must be given the possibility to participate and influence the planning and implementing of their social services. Many aspects must be taken into account, for instance, the physical accessibility and suitability of the meeting venues, necessary support for communications and support for decision-making as well as sensibility to the person’s linguistic and cultural background. From the participation point of view, it is crucially important that the disabled person’s opinions are heard.


Accessibility is an important prerequisite for persons with disabilities to gain maximum independence and equal participation in society. Accessibility can be understood as an attitude and a way of thinking – not special arrangements.

Accessibility means having equal physical access to the environment and to the means of communication such as the Internet. Equal access should also be guaranteed to open public spaces and services, both in cities and in the countryside. 

Necessary services and support

Adequate services and support are a prerequisite for equal rights and participation. All disabled people’s needs should be taken into consideration when designing services. On the organisational level, some of the services defined in the law fall under the responsibility of the state, while most are organised by the wellbeing services counties.

The Social Insurance Institution of Finland (Kela) is responsible for disability benefits, disability allowances, rehabilitation allowances, rehabilitation services, support for work and study, support for living with an illness or impairment, and financial support.

The disability services of wellbeing services county are based on a personal service plan and cover for instance assistive devices, personal assistants, transportation services, service accommodation and institutional care. Most of these are defined as subjective rights.

Services with subjective right

Services bound to appropriations