Disability services

Man taking off his coat with help of assistant dog.

In this section, we describe the disability services and the process of applying for them. In Finland, the state provides some services to persons with disabilities who are legally entitled to them. The Social Insurance Institution of Finland (Kela) is responsible for disability benefits, disability allowance, rehabilitation allowance and partial rehabilitation allowance, rehabilitation services, support for work and study, support for living with an illness or impairment, and financial support. 

However, the wellbeing services counties are mostly responsible for disability services. In this section, we describe the social services and support for persons with disabilities that are organised by the counties. If you are interested in, for instance, health services for persons with disabilities, please get familiar with the links in the info boxes.

In this section, we also explain how a person’s right for self-determination is supported. In social welfare activities, the client’s wishes and opinions are to be taken into account in the first place. The client must be given the possibility to take part in and influence the planning and realisation of their services. 

In this section