
The Online Handbook on Disability Services in Finland is maintained by the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL). The specialists and the experts in the editing team are from the unit team Integrated Services, in the department Healthcare and Social Welfare. 

What is the Online Handbook on Disability Services?

Editing Team  

Marika Kangas-Aramo 
Editor-in-Chief, Senior Planning Officer 
Specialist in disability rights and services

Rut Nordlund-Spiby
Editor of the Swedish edition, 
Specialist in disability rights, services and social work
tel. +358 29 524 7082
[email protected]

Legal Advice Group

Legal Advice Group of the Handbook makes statements concerning the legal content of the Handbook, and produces or edits relevant court decisions made in different instances and other legal views to be published in the Handbook. 

The members represent the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, the Association of Finnish Municipalities, Helsinki University, THL, and various non-governmental organizations on disability.

Maija Voutilainen
Secretary, Legal Adviser on disability rights
tel. + 358 29 524 7991
[email protected]

Editorial Board

The Editorial Board of the Handbook monitors, steers, puts forward ideas and promotes the development of the service. The Editorial Board is responsible for the content of the Handbook. The members represent the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, the Association of Finnish Municipalities, THL, Finnish universities/polytechnics and various non-governmental organizations on disability. 

Päivi Nurmi-Koikkalainen
Chair, Chief Specialist on disability rights, services and research
tel. +358 29 524 7454
[email protected]


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