Coordination for Equal Inclusion
The Coordination for Equal Inclusion supports and coordinates the development projects of the special objective 4.3 of the European Social Fund (ESF+) in the themes of inclusion, non-discrimination and gender equality. The aim is to increase the impact of projects so that the results of the project development work can be applied in new operating environments and more extensively in society.
Coordination is part of the EU's Innovation and Skills in Finland 2021–2017 Structural Fund programme and its priority area 4 Competent and Inclusive Finland that Provides Work.
The Coordination for Equal Inclusion
- will support funded development projects and create conditions for interaction and peer learning between these. In addition to special objective 4.3, networking and peer learning of projects promoting gender equality are also offered to other gender equality projects, especially in action line 4.
- will increase competence related to impact assessment and systematic description of operating approaches and models in the development projects.
- will expand the knowledge base of inclusion, non-discrimination and gender equality.
- will increase awareness and competence in inclusion, non-discrimination and gender equality.
The coordination team is developing electronic evaluation indicators intended for the use of the ESF+ special objective 4.3 projects to measure experiences of inclusion, work ability and functional capacity as well as experiences of discrimination. The indicators will include, for example, the Inclusion Survey (including the Experiences of Social Inclusion Scale, ESIS) and the Abilitator survey. Please note that the data will not be transferred from the Abilitator online service maintained by the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health until 31 July 2023, as this is a completely separate implementation. The preliminary timetable for the electronic evaluation indicators has changed and the indicators will be available for use by projects in the winter of 2024–2025 at the earliest.
The target groups of coordination are the development projects, funding authorities, national substance authorities and other coordination projects referred to in European Social Fund (ESF+) special objective 4.3.
The THL Inclusion Research and Promotion Team is responsible for coordination.
Coordination works together with and will have a joint steering group with the SOS Children's Village and the Youth Academy Coordination of the Inclusion of Children, Adolescents and Families (ESF+).
The work of the coordination team is based on the results of previous coordination projects, such as Sokra coordination’s tools and research.
Heikoimmassa asemassa olevien osallisuus (in Finnish)
Co-funded by the European Union
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