
In the years 1978-1980 8000 persons, 3637 men and 4363 women, aged 30 or over were invited to the Mini Finland Health Survey (MS001, MS002). The sample was representative of the Finnish population in 1978 and the sampling design was stratified two-stage cluster sampling (Aromaa et al. 1989b, Lehtonen and Kuusela 1986) . The first stage sample unit was a cluster which consisted of one or more municipalities. There were 320 clusters and they were combined as 40 strata, where 40 000-60 000 people lived in each one of them. Stratification criteria were population center degree, proportion of industrial population and proportion of agricultural population. There were 8 strata consisting of one cluster and 32 two-stage strata composed of several clusters. From each stratum, one cluster was selected using PPS-sampling to represent the whole strata and the second-degree sample units (persons) were selected from the Social Insurance Institution person registry with a systematic sample (Methods folder 3.0, 3.4-3.7). 

MS001 Invitation to the health interview

MS002 Invitation to the health examination

Alongside the main sample, a similar comparison sample was selected. This sample was not examined but its health has been followed using public health registries. The purpose was to evaluate the effects of a detailed and versatile health examination. Hence, the design is experimental.

Totally 7703 persons (3498 men and 4205 women) which is 96.3% of the sample participated in the first stage of the survey, which was the health interview. It was followed by the basic health examination, i.e. the screening. A total of 7217 persons (3322 men and 3895 women) participated, which is 90.2% of the sample. To a clinical health examination were invited those filling the screening criteria, as well as a random sample (every fifth) of individuals independently of the results of the screening. Altogether 5819 persons participated in its different sub examinations.

Because of the high participation rate, the efficiency features of the sampling composition are good.

Mini-Finland table of people by their ages and gender Invited and participated by sex and age, health interview
Table of Mini-Finland population by their region and gender The sample by geographic area, health interview
Invited and participated by sex and age, for the health examination Invited and participated by sex and age, health examination
Mini-Finland table by their region and gender The sample by geographic, health examination