
During 1966-1972, a total of 62 440 (33 382 men and 29 058 women) individuals were invited (Maamme kirja 1965 … 1976) (AK29) to the Finnish Mobile Clinic Health Examination Survey. Out of them 52 522 (27341 men and 24 181 women) participated. The participation rate was for men 81.9% and for women 83.2%. 

AK29 Invitation letter to the Finnish Mobile Clinic Health Examination Survey

Map of the AK survey examinations locations The Finnish Mobile Clinic Health Examination Survey map


The sample included 31 study areas in different parts of Finland (Method folder 1.1 - 1.3).  In each of the study areas, all the persons aged 15 or over or a sample of them was invited to the examination. The sample was composed so that from each of the large regions (Itä-Suomi, Satakunta-Pirkanmaa, Pohjanmaa, Keski-Suomi, Varsinais-Suomi, Lappi, Pohjois-Pohjanmaa, Kymenlaakso, Kainuu, Keski-Pohjanmaa, Pohjois-Karjala) a population center, a rural municipality and an industrial factory were chosen. The sample was not representative of the Finnish population but it followed the age distribution of the whole nation especially for the 20-59 old (Knekt 1988). Also the distribution according to occupation was quite similar to that on national level (Aromaa 1981).

Additionally, a breast cancer population screening experiment (Lahti 1977) was carried out, as well as surveys on diabetes, mental health (Lehtinen 1975, Väisänen 1975) and the genotype of Finns.

Distribution of the sample by study area and time Distribution of the sample by study area and time


Invited and participated by sex and age Invited and participated by sex and age