Useful reading

Families and family work in Finland and the Republic of Karelia
This anthology of articles collects contributions from Finland and the Republic of Karelia on child well-being and related indicators, research approaches to families and family services, and innovative family work schemes. The six Finnish and seven Russian authors represent government institutions, research bodies, academia, and NGOs. The book was produced by project Functional Families - Evidence-based methods for Family Work in Finland and the Republic of Karelia funded via ENPI CBC Karelia Programme. The book was edited by Simo Mannila and Dmitry Titkov, both from the National Institute for Health and Welfare (Finland).

Let's Talk about Children - basics (Russian) 

Let's Talk about Children - manual 2 (Russian)
Let's Talk about Children - manual 3 (Russian)
Let's Talk about Children - manual 4 (Russian)
Let's Talk about Children - manual 5 (Russian)
This method is designed by Tytti Solantaus&co. The material can be found in Finnish on the website Kasvun Kumppanit

Räikkönen O, Säkkinen S & Mannila S (2013) Child Welfare Indicators in Finland - State of Affairs (English)
Räikkönen O, Säkkinen S & Mannila S (2013) Child Welfare Indicators in Finland - State of Affairs (Russian)
This is a short description of the ongoing Finnish child welfare work.

Paananen R, Ristikari T & Gissler M (2012) Young people’s well-being in Finland in the light of the 1987 Finnish Birth Cohort.
This text is modified from the study report Paananen R, Ristikari T, Merikukka M, Rämö A & Gissler M (2012) Children’s and youth’s well-being in light of The 1987 Finnish Birth Cohort Study, National Institute for Health and Welfare, Reports 52/ 2012.

Törrönen M, Borodkina O, Samoylova V & Heino E (ed. 2013) Empowering Social Work: Research and Practice.
This anthology of articles has been produced in Finnish-Russian cooperation by Project Empowerment of Families with Children, coordinated by Palmenia of the University of Helsinki and funded by ENPI CBC South-East-Finland - Russia. The articles discuss empowerment with a focus on children, youth, families and immigrants.

Tiaynen, T. (2013) Babushka in Flux: Grandmothers and Family-making between Russian Karelia and Finland.
Grandmothers and Family-making between Russian Karelia and Finland. University of Tampere (doctoral thesis).