Results of the KOTT survey

The basic results of the Finnish Student Health and Wellbeing Survey (KOTT) are published on this page. Reported topics include higher education students' living conditions, lifestyles, social inclusion and studies, health, functional capacity, substances and addictions, and health services.

The results are published in Finnish as phenomenon reports and indicator tables. Press releases about the reports are also published in English.

Press releases and news

Phenomenon reports (in Finnish)

Material and methods

Living conditions


Inclusion and studies

Substances and addictions

Health, health services and functional capacity

Indicators in tables (in Finnish)

The indicator tables contain the results of each indicator by gender, age group, higher education sector and survey year (2024 and 2021). The table page shows the results, 95% confidence intervals and a description of the formation of the indicator.

Indicator tables for the KOTT survey

Previously published results

KOTT 2021 survey results

The basic results of the KOTT 2021 survey are available on the service. The weighted distributions of the multiple-choice questions in the KOTT 2021 survey questionnaire can also be found on the service.

View the results on the service (in Finnish)

Results of previous KOTT surveys

The Finnish Student Health Service (FSHS) was responsible for implementing the previous KOTT surveys. The results can be found on the FSHS website.

View the results on the FSHS website