Research on shelters
Current research and reports
- Examines the views of professionals and of those exposed to domestic violence on central factors of violence prevention work and on obtaining help. The project also produces knowledge on the preconditions for carrying out data collection in a longitudinal study.
- The study involves interviewing professionals working in shelters and with outpatient services within violence prevention work as well as interviewing persons exposed to domestic violence.
Shelters providing safety study
- Examines the implementation of a group model developed by Trauma Centre Finland (Turvallisuuden tunne harhateillä – kohti turvallisia ihmissuhteita [Finding a sense of safety – towards safe relationships]), the need to develop the model further and the preliminary effects of the model in shelters for victims of domestic violence.
- The study includes a survey both for participants in group activities and for shelter clients in the reference group. The study also involves interviewing the shelter clients in group activities as well as instructors, developers and work supervisors of the group activities.
Global Domestic Violence Shelter Pilot Study
- The study includes approximately 20 countries and compares shelter functioning, populations served, and programs offered worldwide.
Previous research and reports
Digital violence and responding it in domestic violence shelters
- To develop and study the identification and intervention of digital violence in shelters.
- Data: interviews and a survey of professionals
Costs of domestic violence in Finland (LAKU)
- Shelter register data was a part of the research project
- Shelter employees and clients participated in the study
Alueelliset erot turvakotipalvelujen saatavuudessa (in Finnish). Geographical availability of shelters
- Examines the effects of new shelters on the utilization rate of shelters in the municipalities and regions the shelters are located
- Dataset: location of shelters and clients’ municipality of residence
Naisiin kohdistuva väkivalta (in Finnish). Gender-based violence towards women. Cooperation with the Statistics of Finland in gender-based violence data collection
- The population survey asked respondents about obstacles for using the shelters
Arvio turvakotien perhepaikkojen riittävästä määrästä ja kustannuksista (in Finnish). Assessment of the sufficient number of shelters and places for families
- Information on the use and costs of shelters and their geographical coverage
Suojassa (iRiSk) (in Finnish). A pilot research project examined an interview method on risk and protective factors developed in Sweden (iRiSk). The interview method is used in situations where a child is exposed to domestic violence
- The dataset includes interview and survey data collected from client situations
Selvitys turvakotipalveluiden nykytilasta ja tarpeesta (in Finnish).
- Report on the current status and need for shelter services