Research use and data permits

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The use of confidential data for research requires a data permit. As a rule, a data permit application for the use of Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) data must be submitted to Social and Health Data Permit Authority Findata. However, in some exceptional cases, THL will grant a data permit itself for the use of data.

On this page you will find instructions for submitting a data permit application to Findata as well as for exceptional cases, where the data permit is applied for directly from THL:

The data required to conduct research should be defined as precisely as possible before applying for a data permit. It is therefore a good idea to begin preparing the permit application by examining the descriptions of data content in THL registers. More detailed, variable-level descriptions of most registers are also available in the Data Resources Catalogue. For more information on the registers, contact the persons responsible for the registers mentioned on the pages.

Register descriptions for THL Registers
Data Resources Catalogue

Data permit for social and health data

The Social and Health Data Permit Authority Findata grants data permits for the secondary use of social and health data. Findata operates in conjunction with THL, but separately from its other activities. Findata also processes applications for data permits concerning THL registers and documents as referred to in the Act on Secondary Use of Health and Social Data (552/2019).

Findata processes both applications for combining data from several controllers referred to in the Act on Secondary Use of Health and Social Data and applications concerning THL registers or documents only. On 5 March 2020, THL made a decision on transferring data permit powers to Findata also in cases where the data permit is only applied for concerning THL registers and documents.

Social and Health Data Permit Authority Findata
Additional information on data permit applications on the Findata website
Act on Secondary Use of Health and Social Data (Finlex, in Finnish)
Act on Secondary Use of Health and Social Data allows for the secure use of social and health data (Ministry of Social Affairs and Health)

Contact information

Findata Help Desk
Email: info(at)
Findata contact information

THL permit processing
Email: tietoluvat(at)

Data permit for forensic samples from THL

A data permit application for the use of forensic samples in medical research as well as for medical research and teaching in connection with autopsies may be submitted to THL.

The use of forensic autopsy samples in scientific research is possible when the adequacy of the samples has been ensured to determine the cause of death and the police have not prohibited use of the samples for purposes other than determining the cause of death. The decision to release samples held by THL for use in scientific research is made by the head of the Forensic Medicine Unit. The decision requires a favourable statement from the competent ethics committee.

Forensic samples dating from 2010 onwards are held by THL. 

Additional information and instructions for applying for a permit on the Forensic Medicine pages (Finnish only)

Data permit for THL Biobank data

A data permit application for THL Biobank data must be submitted to the Biobank.

Additional information and instructions for applying for a permit on the THL Biobank pages

THL's internal data permit for population research co-operation projects

The THL research plan evaluation group (TAR) discusses contacts from researchers outside THL concerning demographic co-operation. If you are conducting joint research with THL that requires the use of demographic data held by THL, please contact the following persons:

THL permit processing
Email: tietoluvat(at)

Tuija Jääskeläinen, Chair of the research plan evaluation group
Email: [email protected]

What is a controller?

The controller is the party for which a research register is established. The controller is responsible for the research register. The controller may be an organisation, a research group or an individual researcher.

If the controller is an organisation (e.g. a wellbeing services county), a copy of the decision made by the organisation must be submitted to THL. Alternatively, the decision of the organisation can be made in section 11 on the permit application form.