Combating the risk of Legionella during an interruption in the use of water systems
Preventing the growth of Legionella bacteria in all water systems is important even when the use of the systems has been completely or partially decommissioned, for example due to a temporary interruption in the use of the building.
For example, during the coronavirus pandemic, the risk of Legionella increased due to the partial or full closure of buildings used for accommodation and cruise ships as well as the reduced use of facilities.
The instructions for exceptional situations are especially aimed at enterprises offering accommodation activities, such as hotels, camping areas and cruise ships. However, they can also be applied to other sites, such as residential buildings, offices, spas, swimming pools and ships.
Adherence to these guidelines affects how rapidly water systems and buildings can be safely used again without the risk to human health posed by Legionella.
On this page:
Where to begin when the operation of the water system is interrupted?
- Review and update the risk assessment for the water system. Has the water system been decommissioned or are there plans to interrupt its use? The instructions on this page are applicable to both situations.
- Instruct staff, guests and other actors about Legionella, for example using the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) guidance:
Leaflet for managers of tourist accommodation on how to reduce the risk of Legionnaires' Disease - Also combat risk factors that increase the growth of Legionella bacteria when the water system is decommissioned and when it is recommissioned.
- Further reading: Factors affecting Legionella growth
- Ask a water professional for advice or help, for example a company that fits water systems or a supervisory authority such as a health inspector.
Recommended measures for short-term or partial decommissioning
Recommended measures for long-term but quickly reversible decommissioning
Recommended measures for long-term but quickly reversible decommissioning
Recommendations for longer-term and more thorough decommissioning
Measures if biocides are not or cannot be used when draining or recommissioning the water system
When the system has been drained, blow air into the system to dry it as thoroughly as possible, if this can be performed.
Operating instructions for recommissioning the water system:
- Run cold water from every outlet.
- Heat the storage tank / heat exchanger water throughout to 60–65 °C.
- Open the valves and flush through all outlets taking care to avoid any scalding risk.
- Monitor water temperatures and where applicable, adjust where necessary, for at least 48 hours.
- Then take Legionella analysis samples from different outlets.
- When you are satisfied the hot and cold water systems are under control you can reopen the building, water system or ship.
- Document amended risk assessments and monitoring data, with evidence of who carried out the work, time, date and signature.
- Follow the instructions given above for other water systems and equipment.