Seeking compensation for an adverse reaction caused by vaccination

All of the vaccines included in the national vaccination programme are covered by the insurance of the Finnish Mutual Insurance Company for Pharmaceutical Injury Indemnities. Vaccines for the prevention of pandemics are also covered by the insurance.

The manufacturers, importers and marketers of vaccines used in Finland have also usually taken out a voluntary pharmaceutical injuries insurance that compensates on sudden and surprising personal injuries caused by the vaccine product.

The Finnish Pharmaceutical Insurance Pool only processes claims for compensation concerning the adverse reactions of the Pandemrix vaccines administered in the period 2009‒2010.

What are the grounds for compensation?

The terms of insurance determine the damages compensated by pharmaceutical injuries insurance and the limitations set for compensation. An assessment is performed by a pharmaceutical accident insurance company, which acquires the necessary reports and expert statements.

The pharmaceutical injuries insurance also compensates for such damages that the insurance company is not required to compensate for by law. Among other laws, the Tort Liability Act and the Product Liability Act lay down provisions on liability for damages.

Seeking compensation from the pharmaceutical injuries insurance

The forms and instructions on reporting pharmaceutical injuries can be found on the websites of pharmaceutical injury insurance companies:

Finnish Mutual Insurance Company for Pharmaceutical Injury Indemnities

Pharmaceutical insurance
Telephone +358 (0)9 2513 7565

Finnish Pharmaceutical Insurance Pool

Finnish Pharmaceutical Insurance Pool
Bulevardi 28
00120 Helsinki
Telephone +358 (0)40 450 4640

Claim for compensation for the vaccine manufacturer

A claim for compensation can be made to the vaccine manufacturer, importer or marketer if it is not possible to obtain insurance compensation, for reasons such as the case becoming outdated. 
If the parties cannot reach consensus on compensation, a decision can be sought by raising proceedings in a court of law.

Seeking compensation from a patient injury insurance

If a vaccine has been wrongly prescribed, delivered, dosed or administered, the harm caused by it is covered by the Patient Injuries Act.

A notice of injury is submitted to the Patient Insurance Centre.

Patient Insurance Centre
Bulevardi 28
00120 Helsinki
Telephone +358 (0)40 450 4590

Advice on applying for compensation

In matters concerning compensation, you can contact a patient ombudsman of a hospital, health centre or medical clinic for help.