
Informed Policy Making

The key objective of HiAP is to aid informed policy making. It also serves the political need for greater policy coherence across government, so that investments of public funds in one area are not undermined by policies implemented in other areas. 
When different policy sectors are in conflict with each other, it is important that political decision-makers are informed about these conflicts and that the implications for health are duly considered and recognized, bringing policy coherence across sectors.


HiAP has its focus on enhancing democratic accountability and public policies for health, including on what basis and how health systems function. Health is the core concern of HiAP. However, it can also improve democratic accountability by enhancing public participation and the transparency of decision-making.

Tackling complex problems

HiAP can be used effectively to tackle more complex social problems and health concerns by providing an approachable frame for discussions across different policy sectors. 

Such an approach feeds innovative public health projects that engage citizens and multi-sector actors in campaigns and public policies, such as happened in the North Karelia project. Such projects increase confidence that significant improvements in population health and well-being can be made through both community health projects and broader public policies.