Hanna Tolonen

Hanna Tolonen

Year of birth: 1971
Title: Research Programme Director
Phone: +358 29 524 8638
E-mail: [email protected]


  • Collection of population based health information through health examination surveys and standardization of the protocols and methods for these surveys both at the national and internatinal level
  • Evaluation of the impact of survey non-response and study on methods how to decrease survey non-response
  • Population disease burden estimation and projections of future developments of disease burden
  • Enhancing the findability and accessibility of health information (register and survey based) for research both at the natinal and internatinal level

Primary duties

  • Director of the research programme on challenges and solutions on population health and welfare
  • Director of the national research infrastructure on population based survyes (FIRI-PBS)


  • 2016, Associate Professor, public health, University of Eastern Finland, Finland
  • 2006, PhD on public health, Kuopio University, Finland
  • 1996, Masters of Social Science, Statistics, University of Joensuu, Finland

Professional background

  • 1996–, Finnish institute for Health and Welfare (THL) and it’s presessor National Public Health Institute (KTL), Finland
    • 2022–, Research Programme Director
    • 2017–2022, Research Manager
    • 2012–2017, Senior Researcher
    • 1996–2012, Statistician

Language skills

  • Finnish (mothertongue)
  • English (excellent)
  • Swedish (satisfactory)
  • French (basics)
  • Spanish (basics)

Ongoing projects

Completed projects

Professional memberships

  • 2019–, European Public Health Association, Public Health Monitoring and Reporting Section 
    • 2021–, Vice-president 
    • 2019–, Member of the Steering Group


  • No commitments


Full publication list

PhD thesis

Towards the High Quality of Population Health Surveys. Standardization and Quality Control. PhD Thesis. A27/2005, Helsinki: Publications of the National Public Health Institute. 2005. ISBN 951-740-546-4 (print), 951-740-547-2 (pdf)

Book chapters

Verchuuren M, van Oers H (Eds.) (2019) Population Health Monitoring. Climbing the Information Pyramid. Springer Nature. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-76562-4. Tijhuis M, Finger JD, Slobbe L, Sund R, Tolonen H. Data Collection

Journal articles

Tolonen H, Moore S, Lermen D, Virgolino A, Knudsen LE, Andersson A-M, Rambaud L, Ancona C, Kolossa-Gehring M. (2022) What is required to combine human biomonitoring and health surveys? International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health; 242.113964.

Haverinen E, Paalanen L, Palmieri L, Padron-Monedero A, Noguer-Zambrano I, Sarmiento Suárez R, Tolonen H; Joint Action on Health Information (InfAct) (2021). Comparison of metabolic syndrome prevalence using four different definitions - a population-based study in Finland. Arch Public Health. 79(1):231.

Tolonen H, Reinikainen J, Koponen P, Elonheimo H, Palmieri L, Tijhuis MJ. for the 10Joint Action on Health Information (InfAct) (2021). Cross-national comparisons of health indicators require standardized definition and common data sources. Archives of Public Health (2021) 79:208

Reinikanen J, Härkänen T, Tolonen H (2021). Projections for obesity, smoking and hypertension based on multiple imputation. Scand J Public Health,

Paalanen L, Reinikanen J, Härkänen T, Mattila T, Laatikainen T, Jousilahti P, Tolonen H. (2020). Comparing data sources in estimating disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) for ischemic heart disease and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in a cross-sectional setting in Finland. Arch Public Health.

Edited books

Tolonen H (Ed.) (2016) EHES Manual. Part A. Planning and preparation of the survey. 2nd edition. National Institute for Health and Welfare, Directions 2016_013.

Tolonen H (Ed.) (2016) EHES Manual. Part B. Fieldwork procedures. 2nd edition. National Institute for Health and Welfare, Directions 2016_014.

Tolonen H (Ed.) (2016) EHES Manual. Part C. European level collaboration. 2nd edition. National Institute for Health and Welfare, Directions 2016_015.

Tunstall-Pedoe H, editor. Prepared by Tunstall-Pedoe H, Kuulasmaa K, Tolonen H, Davidson M, Mendis S with 64 other contributors for The WHO MONICA Project (2003). MONICA Monograph and Multimedia Sourcebook (pdf, 6,1 Mt). Geneva: World Health Organization. ISBN 92 4 156223 4.

More information online