Tuukka Tammi

Tuukka Tammi
Title: RDI Director, Editor-in-Chief
Phone: +358 29 524 8717
e-mail: [email protected]


Tuukka Tammi, PhD, is a RDI Director at the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL). His research interests are related to public and social policy analysis, health and social care system research and development, research into social problems, especially addiction research, and science communication. Tuukka Tammi has a title of docent at the Universities of Helsinki and Tampere.

Primary Duties

  • Director of two RDI programmes:
    • Fair Society 
    • Functioning Social and Health Care Services and Social Security System
  • Editor-In-Chief of Yhteiskuntapolitiikka Journal (social policy) (read more)

Degrees and University Positions

  • Doctor of Social Sciences (sociology), University of Helsinki, 2008
  • Master of Social Sciences (sociology), University of Tampere, 1996
  • Title of Docent, Social Research, University of Tampere, 2019 
  • Title of Docent, Social and Public Policy, University of Helsinki, 2019

Professional background

  • 2019–, Research Programme Director, THL
  • 2012–, Editor-in-Chief, THL (Yhteiskuntapolitiikka)
  • 2015–2019, Lead Expert, THL
  • 2012–2014, Senior Researcher, THL 
  • 2008–2012, Research Manager, A-Clinic Foundation 
  • 2007–2008, Senior Researcher, National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health (STAKES)
  • 2005–2007, Researcher, Youth Research Network & Alcohol Research Foundation
  • 2003–2004, Researcher, National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health (STAKES), 
  • 2002, Researcher, University of Helsinki (Department of Sociology), part-time teacher also in 2003–2005 
  • Visiting researcher positions abroad:
    • Trimbos Institute, Utrecht, Netherlands (2018)
    • Queens College, City University of New York, USA (2006)
    • Institute for Social Planning and Social Management (ISS), University of Applied Sciences, Bern, Switzerland (2004)
    • Centre for Drug Research (CEDRO), University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands (2003)

Ongoing projects


Doctoral thesis

Tammi, T (2007): Medicalising prohibition. Harm reduction in Finnish and international drug policy. Helsinki: Stakes, Research Report 161.

Selected recent publications

Tammi, Tuukka (2023): Huume on lääke on päihde – Egyptin Ebers-papyruksesta Pohjois-Amerikan opioidikriisiin (’A drug is a drug is a drug - from Egypt's Ebers Papyrus to North America's opioid crisis’). In Nuotio, K. & Simojoki, K. & Yli-Hemminki, E. (Eds.): Parempaa päihdepolitiikkaa: Rangaistuksista hoidon poluille (’Better substance abuse policy: From punishments to treatment paths’) Helsinki: Gaudeamus.

Rigoni, R; Jeziorska, I.; Tammi, T.; van der Gouwe, D. (2023). Civil Society Monitoring of Harm Reduction in Europe, 2022. Data Report. Amsterdam, Correlation – European Harm Reduction Network.

Lohiniva, AL., Pensola, A., Hyökki, S., Sivelä, J. & Tammi, T. (2022). COVID-19 risk perception framework of the public: an infodemic tool for future pandemics and epidemics. BMC Public Health 22, 2124.

Unlu, A & Demiroz, F, Tammi, T; Hakkarainen, P (2021). The Complexity of Drug Consumption Room Policy and Progress in Finland. Contemporary Drug Problems. 

Rigoni, R. & T. Tammi & D. van der Gouwe & E. Schatz (2021): Harm reduction in Europe: a framework for civil society-led monitoring. Harm Reduction Journal 18, 3 (2021) 

Karlsson, N. & T. Berglund & A-M. Ekström & A. Hammarberg & T. Tammi (2020): Could 30 years of political controversy on needle exchange programs in Sweden contribute to scaling-up harm reduction services in the world? Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs. First Published 17 Dec 2020.

Unlu, A, Tammi, T, Hakkarainen, P (2020): Drug decriminalization policy. Literature review: models, implementation and outcomes. Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare, Report 9/2020.

Maticic, M, Pirnat, Z, A. Leicht, R. Zimmermann, T. Windelinck, M. Jauffret-Roustide, E. Duffell, T. Tammi & E. Schatz (2020): The civil society monitoring of hepatitis C response related to the WHO 2030 elimination goals in 35 European countries. Harm Reduction Journal 17, 89 (2020). 

Hirschovits-Gerz, T. & K. Kuussaari & K. Stenius & T. Tammi (2019): Estimating the needs of substance problem use services. An exercise in seven Finnish municipalities using nationally collected, municipal-level survey and register data. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs; Jan;Sup 18:76-86.

Ahonen, J. & T. Hirschovits-Gerz & T. Tammi (2017): Subtypes of problem gamblers, socio-cultural factors, and availability of gambling. Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions. 17;4, 402–422.

Edited books

Heikkilä, M. & Tammi, T (Eds.) (2020): Viheliäs tiede – ja muita vaikeita uutisia (’Wretched Science – and other difficult news’). Tampere: Vastapaino.

Järvi, U. & Tammi, T (Eds.) (2016): Maito tappaa – ja muita outoja tiedeuutisia (’Milk kills – and other strange science news’). Tampere: Vastapaino. 

T. Tammi & P. Raento (Eds.) (2013): Addiktioyhteiskunta. Riippuvuus aikamme ilmiönä (’Addiction society. Dependence as a phenomenon of our times’). Helsinki: Gaudeamus.

Tammi, T, M. Aalto & A. Koski-Jännes, (Eds.) (2009): Irti päihdeongelmista. Tutkimuksia hoidon ja ehkäisyn menetelmistä (’Breaking loose from substance use problems. Studies on treatment and prevention methods’). Helsinki: Edita Publishing. 

More publications at Orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5114-3026

More information online

Twitter (@tuukkatammi)