
Effectiveness, sufficiency and suitability

Design and methods of the Helsinki Psychotherapy Study, and results on the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of the two brief therapies, short-term psychodynamic and solution-focused, during the 1-year follow-up:

  • Knekt P, Lindfors O (eds.). A randomized trial of the effect of four forms of psychotherapy on depressive and anxiety disorders. Design, methods, and results on the effectiveness of short-term psychodynamic psychotherapy and solution-focused therapy during a one-year follow-up. Helsinki: The Social Insurance Institution, Studies in social security and health 77, 2004.

Abstract (PDF 48 KB)
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Results on the effectiveness of the solution-focused therapy, short-term and long-term psychodynamic psychotherapy during the 3-year follow-up:

Reports covering the three randomized psychotherapies and psychoanalysis during the 5-year follow-up:

  • Knekt P, Laaksonen MA, Härkänen T, Maljanen T, Heinonen E, Virtala E, Lindfors O. The Helsinki Psychotherapy Study: effectiveness, sufficiency, and suitability of short- and long-term psychotherapy. In: Levy R, Ablon JS, Kächele H (eds.). Psychodynamic psychotherapy research. Humana Press, 2012, 71-94.

Reports covering the 10-year follow-up:

 Reports on the pretreatment predictors of outcomes and therapeutic alliance:

  • Korhonen E, Lindfors O, Knekt P. Sosiaalisen tuen vaikutus työ- ja toimintakykyyn lyhyessä ja pitkässä psykoterapiassa [Social support as a predictor work ability and functional capacity in short- and long-term psychotherapy. Psykologia 2020; 55: 337-401.

Methodological reports

Qualitative study

  • Happo H, Wahlström J, Lindfors O. Mitä psykoterapiassa opitaan? Kokemuksia lyhyestä psykodynaamisesta psykoterapiasta ja voimavarasuuntautuneesta terapiasta. [What is to be learned in psychotherapy? Experiences from short-term psychodynamic psychotherapy and solution-focused therapy]. Psykologia 2014; 5: 339-369.
  • Junttila O, Härkäpää K, Lindfors O, Järvikoski A. Psykoterapia ja opiskelukyvyn muutos [Psychotherapy and changes in the ability to study]. Kuntoutus 2012; 1: 43-57.
  • Valkonen J, Ehrling L, Lindfors O, Helsingin Psykoterapiaprojektin tutkijaryhmä. Psykoterapian merkitykset ja haastattelukontekstit - katsaus laadulliseen tutkimukseen Helsingin Psykoterapiaprojektissa [Meanings of psychotherapy and contexts of interview - a review of qualitative research in the Helsinki Psychotherapy Study]. Psykoterapia 2006; 25: 45-59.
  • Valkonen J, Hänninen V, Lindfors O. Maskuliinisuus miesten masennustarinoissa. [Masculinity in men's narratives of depression ]. Psykologia 2012; 47: 266-278.
  • Vehviläinen S, Ehrling L, Peräkylä A, Lindfors O, Helsingin Psykoterapiaprojektin tutkijaryhmä. Diagnostinen seurantahaastattelu vuorovaikutuksena [Diagnostic follow-up interview as a form of interaction]. Psykologia 2007; 42: 332-349.
  • Vehviläinen S, Lindfors O. Itsereflektio ja kohentunut vointi haastattelupuheessa [Self-reflection and reports of improved condition in interview talk]. Aikuiskasvatus 2005; 3: 191-202.