Useful sources of information
Relevant strategic and legislative documents
- Article 168, Consolidated version of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. Document 12012E/TXT
- FCTC/COP10(11) Panama Declaration
- FCTC/COP10(20) Contribution of the WHO FCTC to the promotion and fulfillment of human rights
- FCTC/COP10(12) Forward-looking tobacco control measures (in relation to Article 2.1 of the WHO FCTC)
- European Commission. Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan. Communication from the commission to the European Parliament and the Council. European Commission; 2021.
- Sustainable Development Goals, Target 3.a: "Strengthen the implementation of the World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control in all countries, as appropriate"
Publications from the Work Package 9 of the Joint Action on Tobacco Control 2 -project
- González-Marrón A, Koprivnikar H, Tisza J, Cselkó Z, Lambrou A, Peruga A, et al. Tobacco endgame in the WHO European Region: Feasibility in light of current tobacco control status. Tob Induc Dis. 2023 Nov 15;21(November):1–16.
- Ruokolainen O, Ollila H, Laatikainen T, Pätsi SM, Carreras G, Gorini G, et al. Tobacco endgame measures and their adaptation in selected European countries: A narrative review synthesis. Tob Prev Cessation. 2024 Apr 18;10(April):1–16.
- Ollila H, Ruokolainen O, Laatikainen T, et al. Tobacco endgame goals and measures in Europe: current status and future directions. Tobacco Control Published Online First: 17 June 2024.
- Policy brief: Forward-looking tobacco control measures and tobacco endgame. Joint Action on Tobacco Control 2.
- Work Package 9, Joint Action on Tobacco Control 2. D9.1 Report of tobacco endgame strategies for the European region.
- Work Package 9, Joint Action on Tobacco Control 2. D9.2 Recommendations for research on forward-looking tobacco control policies and tobacco endgame strategies.
- Work Package 9, Joint Action on Tobacco Control 2. M9.1 Development of an indicator compendium to compile the selected measures, criteria and data sources for identifying and assessing the policies, strategies, enablers, constraints and best practices covered in this WP.
In collaboration with other JATC-2 Work Packages:
- Straarup MS, O’Donovan F, Lambrou A, et al. The Joint Action on Tobacco Control: A cooperation project for strengthening tobacco control in Europe. Tobacco Prevention & Cessation. 2022;8(July):26 (in collaboration with all WPs)
- Solimini R, Ruokolainen O, Cselko Z, Koprivnikar H, Spizzichino L, Papachristou S, González-Marrón A, Nunes E, Carnicer-Pont D, Fernandez E, López AM, Demosthenous E, Kilibarda B, Gallus S, Gómez-Chacón C, Keć I, Valentic M, Ollila H. Good Practice Statements for the treatment of nicotine dependence. Tob Prev Cessat. 2023 Jul 12;9:24 (in collaboration with WP4)
- Solimini R, Ollila H, Gallus S, Havermans A, Talhout R, Kilibarda B, Vasic M, Fernández E, Carnicer-Pont D, Lopez AM, Pérez-Sacristán EM, Cselko Z, Mulcahy M, O'Donovan-Sadat F. Preventing and countering the interference of tobacco industry: Recommendations from the Joint Action on Tobacco Control 2. Tob Prev Cessat. 2024 May 16;10 (in collaboration with WP4)
- Guidance on how to identify best practices in tobacco control in Europe, including the Guidance of the Core module for a Questionnaire to identify potential best practices (M4.4 – Annex 1).
Other key research on tobacco endgame
- Malone RE. Imagining things otherwise: new endgame ideas for tobacco control. Tobacco Control 2010;19:349-350.
- Warner KE. An endgame for tobacco? Tobacco Control 2013;22:i3-i5 (Connected to a special supplement focused on endgame)
- Peeters S, Gilmore AB. Understanding the emergence of the tobacco industry's use of the term tobacco harm reduction in order to inform public health policy. ToB Control. 2015 Mar;24(2):182-9.
- McDaniel PA, Smith EA, Malone RE. The tobacco endgame: a qualitative review and synthesis. Tob Control. 2016 Sep;25(5):594-604.
- Puljević C, Morphett K, Hefler M, et al. Closing the gaps in tobacco endgame evidence: a scoping review. Tob Control. 2022;31(2):365-375.
- Edwards R, Hoek J, Karreman N, Gilmore A. Evaluating tobacco industry 'transformation': a proposed rubric and analysis. Tob Control. 2022 Mar;31(2):313-321.
- Malone RE, Proctor RN. Prohibition no, abolition yes! Rethinking how we talk about ending the cigarette epidemic. Tobacco Control 2022;31:376-381.
Webinars and conference presentations
Within the Joint Action on Tobacco Control 2 (JATC2) project the webinar “Making the tobacco endgame a reality “was held on November 7th, 2023. The webinar was hosted by Health Services Executive (HSE), Environmental Health Services, Ireland in collaboration with Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) and partners of the JATC2 Work Package 9.
See the recording of the webinar and the speaker slides
Conference presentations or other dissemination activities
- From Tobacco Control to Tobacco Endgame, 6th ICO-WHO Symposium on Tobacco Control. Friday, December 2nd, 2022 (8:30am to 5:00pm CET).
Presential Symposium with live stream - Joint Action on Tobacco Control 2 -newsletters
- Joint Action on Tobacco Control 2: Envisioning a Tobacco-Free Generation – A Call to Action. 31 May 2024.
Tobacco control databases
- WHO FCTC implementation data: Article 21 of the Convention calls upon Parties to submit to the Conference of the Parties, through the Secretariat, periodic reports on implementation of the Convention. The WHO FCTC Implementation Database contains the information from the Parties' implementation reports. Web-based database can be searched by individual Parties and by treaty articles and measures.
Explore data on FCTC progress - Global Health Observatory (WHO): The GHO data repository is WHO's gateway to health-related statistics for its 194 Member States. It provides access to over 1000 indicators on priority health topics including the MPOWER assessment on tobacco control.
Explore the MPOWER indicators - Tobacco Control Laws (Tobaccofreekids): Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids, an advocacy organization working to reduce tobacco use and its deadly consequences in the United States and around the world established TOBACCO CONTROL LAWS website maintained by lawyers. It provides easy access to laws and court decisions from around the world, as well as summaries, fact sheets and legal analysis.
TOBACCO CONTROL LAWS - Policy Scan Project (The Institute for Global Tobacco Control): The Institute for Global Tobacco Control offers the Policy Scan Project as a resource for researchers, policymakers, and practitioners in the field of tobacco control. Policy scans contains webpages for the 194 member states recognized by the World Health Organization. Each of available policy scans offer breakdowns of regulations by country, policy domain, product classification, and regulatory mechanism.
Read more on the Policy Scan Project - The Global Tobacco Control Progress Hub is a data reporting platform that brings together multiple datasets for easy navigation, interpretation, and analysis, and could be used to assess global progress in tobacco control. The platform was produced by ASH Canada with support from the Institute for Global Tobacco Control at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and funding from Bloomberg Philanthropies.
Explore the Global Tobacco Control Progress Hub - Global Tobacco Atlas: The Tobacco Atlas, a partnership between Vital Strategies and Tobacconomics at Johns Hopkins University, is a free online resource that examines the nature and magnitude of the tobacco epidemic and charts a course toward clear, proven solutions.
Explore the Global Tobacco Atlas
Other useful sources
- NHMRC Centre of Research Excellence on Achieving the Tobacco Endgame: Established in 2020, the Centre brings together a multidisciplinary team of experts in health policy, behavioral science, epidemiology, biostatistics, law, health economics, Indigenous health, environmental health, psychology, and mental health and substance use disorders from institutions in Australia, New Zealand and Canada.
- Project Sunset is an ASH-led global campaign to convince policy makers to phase out the sale of commercial combustible tobacco products. It is focused entirely on the sale, not individual possession or use. The campaign includes efforts to address the social, political, and structural factors that sustain the smoking epidemic, in order to end it within a specified time period. Project Sunset reframes the conversation away from controlling death and disease to eliminating it.
Contact information
Hanna Ollila
Senior Specialist, WP9 lead
Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare
E-mail: [email protected]
Joint Action on Tobacco Control 2 (JATC-2) project: