Annual Report 2020

THL Biobank is a nationwide biobank that collects and stores valuable research samples from all over Finland. THL Biobank operates under the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) and aims to promote the utilisation of nationally significant research data in disease prevention and health promotion. THL Biobank has been operating since 2014. At the end of 2019, it became a member of the Finnish Biobank Cooperative (FINBB).

Laboratory equipment.

Samples and data in THL Biobank

In 2020, THL Biobank administered samples and data from nearly 220 000 donors and 33 different research projects.

THL Biobank’s research material includes more than one million research samples (incl. DNA, RNA, serum, plasma, urine and cell samples), large amounts of laboratory analyses produced from samples (e.g. lipids and liver enzyme levels), results from various physical measurements (e.g. height, weight, blood pressure), genomic data and other extensive omics data such as measurements of hundreds of molecules from serum samples (metabolome). In addition, the biobank stores information provided by the sample provider in interviews and questionnaires, including information on lifestyle and disease history.

Sample types, sample-related data and sample donor-related data stored in THL Biobank
Samples Examples of sample related data Examples of sample donor related data
DNA Lipids Background information
RNA Inflammatory markers Physical examination
Serum Liver enzymes Lifestyle
Plasma Genomic data Disease and symptoms information
Cells Metabolomic data Medication
Saliva Other omics data Mood and mental health
Urine   Use of health services
Toe nails   Physical activity
Skin biopsy   Nutrition

The omics data stored in THL Biobank is very extensive and versatile, and their number is constantly increasing with the results produced in new studies.

Omics data stored in THL Biobank
Type of omics data N
Imputed genotype 110 646
Genotyped chip data 117 515
Whole exome sequence 18 390
Whole genome sequence 5290
Metabolomics, NMR 42 740
Telomeres 11 474
Transcriptomics 515
DNA metylation 510

Use of THL Biobank data

In 2020, THL Biobank processed 68 preliminary inquiries for biobank data access. As a result of the revised inquiry process and the membership of FINBB, the number of preliminary research inquiries almost doubled to the previous year. 

Summer 2020 saw the launch of REMS2, a revised and more accessible application portal. The total number of research applications received by THL Biobank was 22. Over the course of the year, 88 batches of extracted data were released and more than 15 000 samples were processed for use in 26 different biobank studies. During the year, there were more than 60 ongoing biobank projects.

Workbench in laboratory.

The largest project utilising THL Biobank samples and data in 2020 was the FinnGen study. FinnGen is an extensive biobank research project based on a public-private partnership between Finnish universities, biobanks, hospital districts and several international pharmaceutical companies. The aim of the project, which was launched in 2017, is to better understand disease mechanisms by combining genome and health information from up to 500 000 Finns. THL Biobank handles the project’s sample logistics on behalf of all Finnish biobanks. In 2020, nearly 93 000 FinnGen project samples were processed at THL Biobank. The extensive sample collections of THL Biobank constitute an important part of the FinnGen project.
Read more about FinnGen

Read more about ongoing biobank studies (mainly in Finnish)

Major scientific publications

Results from biobank studies utilising THL Biobank’s samples and data were reported in high-impact scientific publications. Many of these publications were based on the results produced in the FinnGen biobank project.

Selected publications from the year 2020 that utilized THL Biobank's resources:

Read more on other publications resulted brom biobank research

Read more about publications resulted from FinnGen Study

THL Biobank datasets were enriched by returned research data

A record amount of new research data produced from samples used in biobank research projects was returned to THL Biobank in 2020. Most often the returned data was genomic data. New data was also released from the original research groups for future use through the biobank.

The data returned to THL Biobank from research in 2020
Type of data received Quantity
Genotype data (GWAS) / imputed genotype data 29 000
Exome sequencing data (WES) 6900
Whole genome sequencing data (WGS) 3400
Mitocondrional CN (mtDNA-CN) 1100
Telomeres 11 500
Ceramide lipid analyses 8000
Liver enzyme analyses (ALT, ASAT, bilirubin) 13 700
Environmental toxin analyses 3000

Development and quality management work at THL Biobank

In 2020, new projects were launched at THL Biobank to develop internal processes and update documentation (e.g. instructions for equipment, methods and procedures). The purpose of the reform is to harmonise and streamline processes and procedures, thus ensuring the quality of the biobank’s operations in all areas.

THL Biobank’s internal information systems were developed by setting up new functionalities and interfaces, the purpose of which is to serve in particular data management and the carrying out of searches for data availability.

In 2020, two certificates confirming the high quality of the laboratory work were issued to the THL Biobank laboratory through an external quality assessment round organised by the Integrated Biobank of Luxembourg (IBBL). THL Biobank participated in evaluations that tested biobanks’ capacity to isolate DNA from whole blood and determine DNA concentration and purity.

A sample tube on the hands of a researcher.


THL Biobank is a member of the Finnish Biobank Cooperative (FINBB). FINBB aims to create a centralised and internationally advanced biobank infrastructure in Finland. All the hospital biobanks in Finland are also members of FINBB.

FINBB also coordinates the Finnish research infrastructure for biobanking network,, which involves all Finnish biobanks. THL Biobank operates actively not only in, but also with the network of European research infrastructure for biobanking, BBMRI-ERIC.

THL Biobank received recognition for its active collaboration at the national level, being selected as the “Enhancer of biobank collaboration in 2020” in a vote in which all Finnish biobanks participated.

THL Biobank also participated actively in various development projects involving or closely related to biobank activities, such as the development of information management solutions together with the IT Centre for Science (CSC), the streamlining of data permit practices together with the Data Permit Authority (Findata), and the working group preparing for the establishment of the national genome centre.

In addition, THL Biobank supported THL’s COVID-19 research by offering sample processing and information system support in areas such as consent management.

THL Biobank – accessible and approachable

THL Biobank exists because of sample donors, and biobank research cannot be carried out without their participation and their positive attitude towards biobank activities. For the time being, biobank consent can be given to THL Biobank only in the context of a primary scientific study.

Efforts were made to facilitate citizens’ contact requests by opening a digital Messages service. A total of 116 requests were received by the biobank during the year, mainly via the service.

Adult and a child using binoculars.

THL Biobank is visible online and in social media

THL Biobank’s website provides comprehensive information for both sample providers and researchers.

Stay tuned for THL Biobank’s news
Follow THL Biobank's current affairs in Twitter (@THLBiobank).

Contact information

THL Biobank's contact information