Patients in hospital care (COVID-19)

Data collection has ended 31 December 2022. This page is no longer updated.


Here is a description of THL's open data describing the number of COVID-19 patients in hospital care in Finland. The data will be published via THL’s open data API.

Information can also be examined directly from statistical charts.  The tables are published as data cubes, which enables the users to select data from the materials. 

API address:

Subject area of the data: epirapo

Name of the subject: covid19care

Description of THL’s open data API

THL's open data license and limitation of liability

Description of the data

The data contains information on the number of COVID-19 patients in hospital care. The data is presented on a daily basis, as the number of COVID-19 patients treated. The data is available by specific area of responsibility and for the country as a whole.

The data is based on data reported to THL by hospital districts on the number of COVID-19 patients in ward and intensive care.

The data collection cycle has varied during the epidemic. At the start of the pandemic, the data was collected daily. After this time, the data has been collected on weekdays or three times a week (Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays).

The collection cycle has been changed according to the epidemic situation. The missing days in the material have been taken into consideration by using the data from the previous day to make up for the data from the following days. For example, weekend data is often identical with data from the previous Friday.


Indicator Indicator ID Description Source
Ongoing hospital ward periods (before 7 December 2020) n_esh_inpatient

COVID-19 patients in hospital ward, daily status of the number of patients.

Covers all COVID-19 patients in in-patient specialised medical care, but only partially COVID-19 patients in in-patient primary care.

As of 7 December 2020, data has been collected separately from the departments of primary health care and specialised medical care.

Survey for hospital districts
On-going in-patient care in primary health care wards n_esh_inpatient_phc COVID-19 patients in primary health care wards, daily status of the number of patients. Survey for hospital districts
On-going in-patient care in specialised health care wards n_esh_inpatient_shc COVID-19 patients in specialised health care wards, daily status of the number of patients. Survey for hospital districts
Ongoing intensive care in ICUs n_esh_ICU COVID-19 patients in emergency care wards, daily status of the number of patients. Survey for hospital districts
Number of inhabitants Population Most recent information on the number of inhabitants Population Information System


Dimensions and indicators

The dimensions represent the various dimensions in which data can be represented. Each dimension is divided into one or more levels that allow you to tabulate the desired views of the data you are viewing.

The dimensions and levels found in the cube interface and API are described in the table below. The interpretation of the dimensions depends on the indicator under inspection. The table describes the interpretation of the dimension for each indicator.

Dimension Dimensions ID Level Level ID Node ID (sid) Description when indicator used is: Ongoing ward periods (before 7 December 2020), Ongoing ward periods in primary care wards,
Ongoing ward periods in specialised medical care wards or Ongoing intensive care periods
Description when indicator used is: Number of inhabitants Further notes
Time dateweek20200101 day date - The situation on the day in question or the most recent information prior to that Not available -
- - week week - Not available, not applicable Not available -
- - all dates root 509030 Most recent status The most recent data on the population calculated from the population register -
Region SCA Special catchment area (SCA) SCA - Area of care Derived from the municipality of residence according to the regional division of Statistics Finland Turku University Hospital catchment area also includes data for Åland
- - all areas root 456367 All areas total All areas total -

Examples of typical data retrievals

Note. The addresses of the cube interface and API are identical, except for the .json suffix before the? character of the cube interface. The user interface is thus a good tool for creating searches.

You can read more about using the cube interface in the general instructions.  
Instructions for the data cube

Contact information:

Contacts and questions about open COVID-19 data:

Feedback on the THL cube interface and the open data API:

Contact information for other THL open data