Progress of COVID-19 vaccinations

COVID-19 vaccinations in Finland

This describes the open data of Finnish Institute of Health and Welfare, which describes the COVID-19 vaccines in Finland. The material is meant for the media, the scientific community and citizens. The material enables the examination of the progress and coverage of COVID-19 vaccinations in Finland by regions and age groups.

API address:

Material subject: vaccreg

Name of the subject: cov19cov

Description of THL’s open data API

THL's open data license and limitation of liability

Description of the data

The material contains data on the progress and coverage of COVID-19 vaccines in Finland by region, date and age group. The material is updated daily. A majority of the vaccines are delivered and registered within 24 hours of giving the vaccination, but some data is updated retrospectively.

The vaccinated persons and vaccination coverage includes any living persons who are in the Finnish population information system. The age and place of domicile of the vaccinated person is determined on the present data and the vaccination coverage is evaluated according to the latest population data.

In the case of vaccination doses, any vaccination doses provided for people within the Finnish population information system are included, regardless of whether said person is alive or not. The date of the vaccination doses is defined by the date of the vaccination appointment and the person’s age is calculated based on the day of vaccination. The product is displayed as VACCINE (MANUFACTURER)

Information on the Vaccination Register

Features of the new, permanent statistics cube (cov19cov)

From 31 January 2022

  • New classifications of the age dimension (cov_vac_age):
    • Levels '-11' and '12+' are replaced with '-17' and '18+'
    • New level '5-11'
    • Levels '12-15', '16-19' are replaced with '20-24' '12-17’ and '18-24' 

From 03 November 2021

  • The age dimension (cov_vac_age) contains a new level '12+'
  • The dose dimension (cov_vac_dose) contains the level 'Third dose'

More detailed description Dimensions



Indicator Indicator ID Node ID (sid) Description Source
Administered doses COVDOSE 533175 Number of administered COVID-19 vaccines THL Vaccination Register
Vaccinated persons COVHLO 533172 Number of vaccinated people currently alive     THL Vaccination Register
Residents POP 433796 Population according to the latest data     Population Information System
Vaccination coverage COVCOV 533185 Proportion of vaccinated people currently alive in the population, as a percentage. (100 * Vaccinated persons / Residents) THL Vaccination Register/Population Information System



The dimensions represent the various dimensions in which data can be represented. Each dimension is divided into one or more levels that allow you to tabulate the desired views of the data you are viewing.

The dimensions and levels found in the cube interface and API are described in the table below.

Dimension Dimension ID Level Level ID Node ID (sid) Description when measured by administered doses Description
Region area The municipality the municipality   The latest known place of domicile of the vaccinated person The current place of domicile of the person
- - Hospital district hospital district - Hospital district based on place of domicile
according to Statistics Finland's regional division
Hospital district based on place of domicile
according to Statistics Finland's regional division
- . All areas root 518362 - -
Time dateweek20201226 Day date - Day of vaccination -
- - Week week - ISO week from the date of the vaccination appointment -
- - All dates root 525425 - -
Age group cov_vac_age Age group age group 518413 Age group into which the vaccinated person belonged on the day of the vaccination Age group into which the vaccinated person belonged onn the latest Sunday of the data (i.e. current age)
- - 18+ ikaryhmabin 660968 - -
- - All ages root 518413 - -
Vaccination doses cov_vac_dose All doses root 533174 Total number of all administered doses (1st doses + 2nd doses + 3rd doses) The person has received ‘all doses’ if they have received three doses.
  • ‘Vaccinated persons’: Number of people who have received three doses
  • ‘Vaccination coverage’: Number of people who have received three doses, relative to the population
  • ‘Residents’: Population independent of vaccination status
- - First dose dose 533170 Number of first doses administered The person has received the ‘First dose’ if they have received at minimum one dose.
  • ‘Vaccinated persons’: Number of people who have received at least one dose
  • ‘Residents’: Population independent of vaccination status
  • ‘Vaccination coverage’: Number of people who have received one dose, relative to the population
- - Second dose dose 533164 Number of second doses administered

The person has received the ‘Second dose’ if they have received at minimum two doses.

  • ‘Vaccinated persons’: Number of people who have received two doses
  • ‘Vaccination coverage’: Number of people who have received two doses, relative to the population
  • ‘Residents’: Population independent of vaccination status
- - Third dose dose 639082 Number of third doses administered Same as ‘All doses’
  • ‘Vaccinated persons’: Number of people who have received three doses
  • ‘Vaccination coverage’: Number of people who have received three doses, relative to the population
  • ‘Residents’: Population independent of vaccination status
Product vacprod All products root 533726 - -
- - Comirtary (BioNTech) product 533729 Vaccine product (manufacturer) -
- - COVID-19 Vaccine Moderna (MODERNA) product 533761 Vaccine product (manufacturer) -
- - Vaxzevria (AstraZeneca) product 533741 Vaccine product (manufacturer) -

Combinations that can be reviewed

Due to data security reason, not all possible combinations have been calculated into the cube. The table below describes all combinations with available indicators.

Combinations for the indicator Administered doses

Region Time Age Vaccination doses
Hospital district/large municipalities Day/Week/All times All ages First dose/Second dose/Third dose/All doses
Hospital district/large municipalities Week/All times Age groups/All ages First dose/Second dose/Third dose/All doses
Municipalities with less than 50k inhabitants All dates Age groups/All ages First dose/Second dose/Third dose/All doses

Large municipalities include any municipalities with over 50.000 inhabitants:
Espoo, Helsinki, Hämeenlinna, Joensuu, Jyväskylä, Kotka, Kouvola, Kuopio, Lahti, Lappeenranta, Mikkeli, Oulu, Pori, Porvoo, Rovaniemi, Salo, Seinäjoki, Tampere, Turku, Vaasa, Vantaa. 

Combinations for other indicators

Region Time Age Vaccination doses
Hospital district/municipalities All dates Age groups/All ages First dose/Second dose/Third dose/All doses

The data is displayed only for combinations where the population contains a minimum of 20 persons.

Examples of data retrievals

  • The distribution of the ‘Administered doses’ indicator by day: Meter node identifier 533175, dose dimension first dose level sheet identifier 533170 expanded to all dose level sheets L, and time dimension first day level sheet identifier 525459 expanded to all day level sheets L: 

See also

API logic is also briefly described below.

API logic

Via the interface, data can be retrieved in either CVS or JSON-stat format. The API is built on dimensions, which are divided into <dimensiotunniste> - <solmutunniste> (id-sid) pairs. Of these, the id is text and the sid is a number series. They are separated with a hyphen (-). By selecting one or more id-sid pairs, the view that is under review is selected. You can find a JSON format list of all available id-root pairs at:

The actual data is available at: This address as it is will return the default data view. Calls are made to the API as follows:<id1>-<sid1>&column=<id2>-<sid2>&filter=measure-<mittarin id>. After the question mark the desired id-sid pairs are added for the row and column variables. The desired indicator is selected with the filter variable.

In addition to JSON-stat format, it is also possible to retrieve data in CSV format via the API. You can do this by replacing 'json' with 'csv'.

Further information on the JSON-stat format 

Contact information:

Contacts and questions about the data:

Feedback on the THL cube interface and the open data API:

General contact information concerning the THL open data