Assessment of service needs with the RAI system

The RAI system is used for: 

  • determining the service needs of the clients 
  • targeting the services correctly and appropriately.

The Act on Supporting the Functional Capacity of the Older Population and on Social and Health Services for Older Persons (980/2012) obligates the municipalities to use the RAI assessment system for assessing an older person’s functional ability and need for services. The municipalities are required to start using the RAI system no later than at the end of the interim period, 1 April 2023.

RAI is an abbreviation of Resident Assessment Instrument.

These pages provide you with a lot of information and support on how to use the RAI assessment system and perform RAI benchmarking.

  1. An older person or their family member identifies a problem.
  2. A contact to the client guidance unit.
  3. Assessment of the service need.
  4. Care, rehabilitation or service plan.
  5. Correct services for the client.
  6. An assessment for monitoring functional ability, condition and care.
  7. Any changes to the care plan.


RAI Online courses teach you how to use the RAI system, the RAI assessment data and RAI benchmarking data for developing services. These online courses are in Finnish and available for everyone free of charge.
THL's Online Courses (in Finnish)


THL's RAI extranet (organisations' pages, password for the benchmarking databases) (in Finnish)

THL's RAI extranet for the software suppliers (in Finnish)

Note! You need a personal username to log into the databases. If necessary contact the RAI contact person in your organisation or rai(at)