Safety in services delivered at home

Proactive planning is a precondition for safe social and health care services. Good safety culture reduces accidents, hazardous situations and disturbances and also improves the well-being of the personnel. 

The supervisors and personnel of home care and other social and health care services delivered at home must take into account certain essential safety aspects.

  • Take care of yourself
  • Record the safety aspects in the client plan
  • Take the clients and their family members into account when planning, implementing and assessing the safety and security of the client’s everyday life.
  • Predict, prevent and report any occurrences of violence
  • Prevent falls in co-operation with other parties
  • Identify the risk factors of pressure ulcers
  • Remember hygiene
  • Ensure nutrition
  • Ensure fire safety
  • Identify the risks in the environment and operations 
  • Report any hazardous incidents and disruptions
  • Ensure that information flows well between the parties
  • Ensure that your commute and trips at work are safe 
  • Maintain safety culture.

Read more about housing safety for special groups (The Finnish National Rescue Organization, SPEK)