Well-being of older people in the municipality

Municipalities and wellbeing services counties are responsible for promoting wellbeing and health, working in collaboration with other parties.

An age-friendly municipality offers opportunities for a good life

An age-friendly municipality listens to the wishes and needs its older residents in order to help them live as they prefer.

The majority of services used by older people are other than social and health care services. The municipality has a significant impact on

  • which services are available in the municipality
  • how easily the services are available
  • how close and accessible the services are
  • how clear and functional is the entire range of services.

There are many ways of providing easy access to services. The services might be located close to the client, move to the client or be online and therefore be accessible regardless of place.

Read here how your municipality can join WHO's Age-friendly Cities and Communities network (WHO, Age-friendly World)

A lively municipality with a community-oriented approach is a good place also for older people

When a municipality invests in the well-being of its residents in an equal way, also older people can participate in the life of the community. The sense of participation strengthens well-being and prevents loneliness.

A municipality ought to:

  • provide premises and ways for its residents to meet and act together
  • create good opportunities for NGOs and volunteer work in the area
  • offer older people opportunities to study, exercise and participate in cultural activities
  • hear the older people in municipal decision-making, for example in the municipal council and councils for older people
  • consider the impacts of decisions on older people.

How can older people with special needs be found?

Older people who are in the most vulnerable position need special support and care. These people can be found, by example by

  • home visits that promote welfare
  • outreach work with older people, meeting older people face-to-face
  • counselling and client guidance
  • professionals who encounter older people in their work
  • worry notifications.

Anyone can file in a worry notification. With this notification to the social welfare professionals one can report an older person who appears unable take care of their health and safety or who is in danger of being abused or neglected.

See also

Management of health and well-being promotion web page