Functioning in the population

Two men walk in the walkway.

Information about functioning in the population is important for the targeting and evaluation of health and well-being policies. National and regional decision-makers make use of this information when they plan and assess the impacts of measures to promote well-being. The ageing population in Finland makes it even more important to monitor developments in functioning so that service needs can be determined and resources allocated appropriately. It is important that ageing workers can cope at work, that older people can manage at home, and that young people can participate in society. These are building blocks for well-being in our society.

THL studies and monitors health and functioning in the population.
More information about research at THL

Research results and indicators describing health and functioning

Results from THL´s population researches

Read also:

THL press release: Healthy Finland Survey: Significant differences in work ability and physical functional capacity between cities

THL press release: Only less than half of adults engage in enough physical activity, staying up late and insufficient sleep have become more common

THL press release: Healthy Finland Survey: More than one half of 65–74-year-olds feel fully able to work – still only a small proportion is in paid employment

On our website

The Healthy Finland survey provides up-to-date information on the health, well-being and service use of adults living in Finland, as well as on changes and future developments in these areas.

Healthy Finland Survey (THL)

The Healthy Finland population survey also includes the MoniSuomi survey. The information provided by the MoniSuomi survey will help in promoting equality for foreign-born population in Finland.

MoniSuomi Survey (THL)

The School Health Promotion (SHP) study monitors the well-being, health and school work of Finnish children and adolescents. The aim of the SHP study is to strengthen the planning and evaluation of health promotion activities at school, municipal and national levels.

School Health Promotion study (THL)