ICF Research Branch, a partner of the WHO Collaborating Centre for the Family of International Classifications (WHO-FIC) in Germany (at DIMDI), seeks a better understanding of disability through multidisciplinary research.

Web-based portal entirely funded by private persons with a passion for making top quality ICF resources globally available.

Kela's research concerns social security at different stages in life, the adequacy of basic provision, Kela's operations and the benefits safeguarding income and health which Kela administers.
This website is targeted at researchers and decision-makers.
The Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) underlines the importance of having a broad understanding of functioning and the environmental and individual factors affecting it as well as the skills to assess functioning in collaboration with the client.
THL studies functioning in the population and strives for a uniform understanding, measuring and assessing of functioning together with actors in the field of social and health care.