TOIMIA Functioning Measures Database

The TOIMIA Functioning Measures Database is an open access and free-of-charge tool in Finnish designed for experts and professionals interested in how to measure human functioning in clinical practice and research. The database contains

  • basic descriptions of functioning measures;
  • assessments of psychometric properties and feasibility of these measurement instruments for different purposes; and
  • guidelines and recommendations by experts concerning the measuring of functioning in different situations and contexts.

Access to the TOIMIA Functioning Measures Database (in Finnish)

The guidelines and measures published in the database have been systematically evaluated by the TOIMIA network of experts with regard to their validity, reliability and usability for different purposes. The database was developed by the national TOIMIA network of experts for the measuring and assessment of functioning.

TOIMIA network

The TOIMIA network of experts aims to harmonise and develop the measuring and assessment of functioning in Finland. Another aim is to unify the concepts of functioning. The network relies on wide-ranging collaboration with different actors. Some 40 organisations are involved in the network, including rehabilitation and research institutes, universities, polytechnics, ministries, NGOs, among others. The network actives include some 100 functioning professionals representing different occupations, such as psychologists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, physicians, social workers, public health nurses, etc. The network is co-ordinated by the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare.


The TOIMIA: National Expert Network on measurement of functioning (SlideShare)