The many types of partial work ability

A person with partial work ability is someone who still possesses part of his or her work ability and the desire to use this ability.

There are many types of partial work ability, and people with partial work ability may include those who rare recovering from a serious illness, who have experienced a life crisis or persons with disabilities. The most common causes of reduced work ability are depression and musculoskeletal disorders.

Insufficient psychologial resources: Pirkko is recovering from depression, which means that her current mental resources are sufficient for part-time work. Limited physical ability: after having shoulder surgery, Frans is unable to reach items on the top shelf, which means his physical functional capacity is temporarily limited. Limited social abilities: Sofia´s autism requires a peaceful environment. A suitable independent position has been tailored specifically to suit her social abilities. Reduced cognitive capacity: Kalle focuses on his tasks, supported by his colleague, according to his cognitive functional capacity, i.e. memory, attention span and learning ability.

Support for the coordination of the right position and the right employee

Over 70% of employers in Finland have a favourable view on the recruitment of persons with partial work ability. In part, different prejudices and fears may prevent recruitment. Companies need more information on recruitment, competence and subsidies available for employment. In addition, employers need effective employment services and help in coordinating a position and an employee.

According to studies, employers who have hired a person with partial work ability or a disability have usually been satisfied with their decision to do so and will continue to be positive about recruitment.

Diversity and economic benefits as objectives

Employing an employee with partial work ability will produce positive multiplier effects not only for the person with partial work ability, but also for the work community and society as a whole. From the perspective of the work community, the impacts are created through the creation of a diverse work community.

From the perspective of a jobseeker with partial work ability, work is not only a source of income but also a means of being a productive member of the community. It is estimated that there are 65,000 unemployed people with partial work ability in Finland. A majority of people with disabilities are not employed by the open labour market.

In a diverse employee demographic, different strengths reinforce one another. The meaningfulness of work and employee wellbeing at work tend to improve when employees can perform work tasks that correspond with their competence. When hiring an employee with partial work ability the objective is for this to result in economically profitable activities; employees with partial work ability can, may and should be utilised productively.

Leverage from the EU

Two logos: European union social fund and Leberage from the eu 2014-2020.