Recruitment process for persons with partial work ability

1. Define recruitment objectives

  • Who will the job be offered to?
  • Under what conditions will the work begin?
  • What is the level of pay and how can the employment relationship proceed?

Provide a written description of the new job description and area of responsibility, on what the employee is expected to achieve, and a list of the employee’s daily duties and responsibilities. Also attach sector-specific collective agreement information to the description.

A suitable employee for a suitable position: A modified job description as the premise, Define skill profile and selection criteria,Contact employment services,Organise introductory visits, Interview and make decisions, Inform and coach the work community.

2. Learn from previous stumbling blocks related to recruitment

  • Possible challenges may include:
  • A slow and difficult recruitment process
  • Unreasonable requirements lists
  • A job interview for the perfect employee

3. Determine your selection criteria

  • What skills, competence and experience does the company need to fill the position in question?

4. Contact your local job coach

  • A job coach can work at a TE Office, in rehabilitative work activities or in employment projects. Ask the job coach to recommend suitable jobseekers for the company

5. Interview job candidates

Focus on identifying the applicants’ experience, competence, skills and strengths. You can ask the TE Services job coach or work ability coordinator to participate in the interview. Speak with the jobseeker and the TE Office or other working life expert about any needs for the modification of work and related subsidies

6. Make your decision on who to select

  • Inform the work community about the selection.

Leverage from the EU

Two logos: European union social fund and Leberage from the eu 2014-2020.