Please note, that this agenda is a draft and changes are possible.
All times are UTC+3.
Day 1: Tuesday 16th September
8.30–10.00 Welcome, registration, morning coffee, poster wall, networking
10.00–10.20 Opening words
Senior planning officer Minna Ahola, Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare
10.20–11.00 Actualities from the global IPS Learning Community
Director Sarah Swanson, the IPS Employment Center, USA
11.00–11.20 Comment (to be confirmed)
Researcher Jaakko Harkko, University of Helsinki
11.20–11.40 Interview of IPS clients
Speakers' names to be confirmed
11.40–12.20 Panel discussion
Outcomes in psychiatric rehabilitation: results and quality, effectiveness in the point of view of rehabilitation and psychiatric care
Speakers' names to be confirmed
12.20–14.00 Lunch in our restaurant
14.00–14.30 Latest research outcomes of IPS in Finland
Researchers Noora Sipilä and Kaija Appelqvist-Schmidlechner, Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare
14.30–15.00 Interview of employers
Speakers' names to be confirmed
15.00–15.30 Topic to be confirmed
Emeritus professor Jaap van Weeghell, Tilburg University, and medical director Angelo Fioritti, Azienda Unità Sanitaria Locale di Bologna
15.30–16.00 Coffee break
16.00–16.20 European IPS Database, point of view from quality assessing and developing the fidelity assessment
Researcher Lars de Winter, Phrenos Center of Expertise for severe mental illness
16.20–16.30 Comment 1
Associate professor Claus Brygger Jacobi, Roskilde Center for Social Work (to be confirmed)
16.30–16.40 Comment 2
Development manager Helka Raivio and senior planning officer Minna Ahola, Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare
16.40–17.00 Closing words of the day
Speaker's name to be confirmed
19.30 Dinner in the City
Day 2: Wednesday 17th September
9.00–9.30 Morning coffee, poster wall, networking
9.30–9.50 Introduction to workshops
Senior planning officer Minna Ahola, Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare
9.50–10.50 Workshops (choose one workshop)
- Supported education
Facilitators: Psychologist Dorothea Jäckel and IPS coach Julia Kropeit, Vivantes Klinikum am Urban - Danish new evaluation tool
Facilitator: IPS Ambassador Johannes Patursson, Region Själland - IPS in social and employment services
Facilitator: Docent Inge Storgaard Bonfils, University College of Copenhagen - Fidelity scale needs and European IPS database
Facilitator: Researcher Lars de Winter, Phrenos Center of Expertise for severe mental illness - Job development
Facilitator: Professor Ulrika Bejerholm, Lund University (to be confirmed) - Importance of supportive structures in establishing IPS
Facilitator: Researcher Jaakko Harkko, University of Helsinki - Best practices of integration in psychiatric care
Facilitator: Service area manager Mikko Ketola, Wellbeing Services County of South Ostrobothnia - IPS teamwork and team leader's role
Facilitator: IPS specialist Sara Voxendal, Sahlgrenska University Hospital - Work with clients
Facilitator: IPS team leader Päivikki Puutio-Ojala, Wellbeing Services County of Central Ostrobothnia (to be confirmed) - Fidelity reviews: strengths and challenges
Facilitator: Project manager Helka Raivio, Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare - Recovery orientation
Facilitator: Senior planning officer Saara Rapeli, Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare
10.50–11.20 Coffee break
11.20–11.50 Mobilizing and managing peer support workers
IPS Trainer & Consultant Penny Liles, UNC School of Medicine
11.50–12.20 Fidelity research news from the USA (recording) (to be confirmed)
Senior Research Associate Gary Bond, IPS Employment Center, USA
12.20–12.30 Closing words and passing the baton to the next country
Speakers' names to be confirmed
12.30–14.00 Lunch in our restaurant
14.00 Event ends