Situation update on coronavirus

Corona map: Information on corona situation in numbers. Link to an external websiteOpens in a new tab

The corona map is updated weekly on Thursdays.

 This page contains current information on COVID-19 situation.

On this page

Coronavirus cases, hospital treatment situation and deaths

On the website Coronavirus cases, hospital treatment situation and deaths, the number of patients in primary health care, specialised medical care and intensive care is presented. Information is updated on Thursdays.

The national situational picture on intensive care was maintained during the coronavirus pandemic by a national office for the coordination of intensive care headed by the Kuopio University Hospital (KUS): The reporting was discontinued at the turn of 2022/2023.

Progress of COVID-19 vaccinations

Vaccination is the most effective way to protect the population from severe coronavirus disease and to mitigate the serious consequences of the epidemic. Vaccinations are especially useful for reducing severe forms of coronavirus disease that requires hospitalisation and causes deaths. 

The data on the effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccinations in Finland will no longer be updated, as it only monitors the individual until their first infection, and they are not included in the incidence calculation after being infected. As there has been a significant number of recurring COVID-19 infections since summer 2022, the data will no longer be published in this format. THL monitors the number of registered infections and later publishes the data for the vaccination coverage groups.

Coronavirus monitoring in wastewater

The Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare monitors the amount of coronavirus present in Finland’s wastewater. The amount of coronavirus is examined by measuring the coronavirus RNA (genome) count in untreated wastewater. Wastewater monitoring can be used to detect changes in the prevalence of coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) in different cities. This helps to anticipate and assess changes also in the population’s infection situation.
Coronavirus wastewater monitoring

Current coronavirus wastewater monitoring data is updated in the weekly report each Friday.
Coronavirus wastewater monitoring weekly reportLink to an external websiteOpens in a new tab

Information on the occurrence of coronavirus variants and their relative proportions in wastewater is updated about once a month on the “Detected coronavirus variants in wastewater” page.
Detected coronavirus variants in wastewater

Indicators on the effectiveness of Finland's hybrid strategy

In April 2020, the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health appointed the Situational Picture and Modelling Working Group to produce information on the epidemic situation and how well the Government’s hybrid strategy is succeeding in its task. The aim of the strategy was to prevent the spread of the virus in society, to safeguard the carrying capacity of health care and to protect people, especially those at risk.
Further information: COVID-19 disease in Finland (in Finnish, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health)Link to an external websiteOpens in a new tab

THL cooperated with the Situational Picture and Modelling Working Group to regularly produce status assessment reports on the monitoring of the hybrid strategy. A total of 90 reports were published on the THL website between 15 May 2020 and 2 June 2022. THL continues to monitor the epidemiological situation.
Hybrid strategy monitoring reports (in Finnish and Swedish)

The links, recordings and presentation materials of information events on the coronavirus epidemic organised by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health until 2 June 2022 have been published on their website.
Information and situational reports of the COVID-19 epidemic (in Finnish, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health)Link to an external websiteOpens in a new tab

The current status of the epidemic in other countries

For current information on the global situation, please see the links below:

Learn more about coronavirus