Lotta Mäkipää
Title: Planning Officer
Tel. +358 29 524 8529
E-mail: [email protected]
- Migration and cultural diversity
- Equality in services
- Human trafficking phenomenon in Finland
- Research and research communication
Primary duties
- Planning officer, Aktiivinen toimijuus -project
- Member of THL's Expert Group for Cultural Diversity (MONET)
- 2024–, Doctor of Social Sciences, Social Policy, Åbo Akademi
- 2020, Master of Social Sciences, Social policy, University of Tampere
Professional background
- 2023–2024, Planning Officer, MoniTieto-project
- 2022–2023, Planning Officer, MoniSuomi-survey
- 2021–2022, Project Coordinator, FinMonik2 Project, Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare
- 2020–2021, Project Coordinatior, Waaberi-project, Suomi-Somalia Seura ry
- 2019, Benefits Officer, income support, KELA / Social Insurance Institution of Finland
- 2018, Trainee, TE-Services
Language skills
- Finnish (native)
- English (excellent)
- German (excellent)
- Spanish (good)
- Swedish (good)
Current projects
Former projects
- National survey on health, well-being and service use among foreign-born population (MoniSuomi)
- A high-quality database to support equality in Finland: National and regional integration (MoniTieto)
- Solid knowledge base and research-based information about integration (FinMonik2)
- Klemettilä, K. Lilja, E.; Mäkipää, L.; Garcia-Velazquez, R.; Litewka-Anttolainen, A.; Kuusio, H. (2023). Multilingual research assistants activate foreign-born persons to respond a survey in Finland. European Journal of Public Health, Volume 33, Issue Supplement_2, October 2023.
Statistical reports
- Health and well-being of the adult population with a foreign background – MoniSuomi 2022 One in three immigrants do not receive a sufficient amount of doctor’s services (THL statistical report, 2022)