Mikko Peltola

Mikko Peltola

Name: Mikko Peltola
Job title: Senior Researcher
Tel: +358 29 524 7458
E-mail: [email protected]


  • Register studies
  • Health economics

Primary duties


  • 2016, Doctor of Philosophy, PhD, Faculty of Medicine, University of Helsinki
  • 2004, Master of Social Sciences (Economics), University of Helsinki



Peer-reviewed articles

  • Peltola M, Malmivaara A, Paavola M, Seitsalo S. Elevated risk of early reoperation in total hip replacement during the stage of unit closure. A population based register-study of total hip and knee replacements in Finland 1998-2011. Acta Orthopaedica 2016; 87(2):126-31. doi: 10.3109/17453674.2015.1111711.
  • Peltola M, Seppälä TT, Malmivaara A, Belicza É, Numerato D, Goude F, Fletcher E, Heijink R, on behalf of the EuroHOPE study group. Individual and regional level factors contributing to variation in length of stay after cerebral infarction in six European countries. Health Economics 2015, 24 (Suppl. 2): 38-52.
  • Peltola M, Järvelin J. The association between household income and the outcome of arthroplasty: A register-based study of total hip and knee replacements. Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery 2014, Volume 134, Issue 12, pp 1767-1774.
  • Peltola M. Patient Classification and Hospital Costs of Care for Stroke in 10 European Countries. Health Economics 2012, Vol. 21, Issue Supplement 2, 129-140.
  • Peltola M, Juntunen M, Häkkinen U, Rosenqvist G, Seppälä TT, Sund R (2011) A methodological approach for register-based evaluation of cost and outcomes in health care. Annals of Medicine, Jun 2011, Vol. 43, No. S1: S4–S13.
