Maili Malin

Official title: Senior research fellow
Tel. +358  29 524 8283
E-mail: [email protected] 


  • Health and wellbeing differences among population
  • Child protection services and customers
  • Migrant origin population, women, children and youth

Primary duties

  • Welfare State Research and Reform Unit, Social Security and Services Team: The impact assessment of Economic of wellbeing project
  • Wide spectrum outcomes for person with history of out of home care, register based case study


  • 2006 PhD in Helsinki University, Department of political sciences. sociology
  • 2011 Adjunct professor University of Helsinki, Sociology

Professional background

  • 2023 – 2025 senior research fellow The impact assessment of Economic of wellbeing project, THL
  • 2015 – 2022 senior research fellow, Migration institute of Finland and LAMPE-child protection research consortium.
  • 2013 - 2015  visiting researcher, Health department, Mental health unit, THL 

Language skills

  • Finnish (native)
  • English (excellent)
  • Spanish (good)

Current projects

  • 2023-2025 The impact assessment of Economic of wellbeing project, child protection case study 
  • 2021-2022 Migrant origin underage having out of home care history – how are they doing later in terms of education and labor market position? 
  • 2021-2022 Co-clientness of Migrant origin underage having out of home care history and being in specialised psychiatric care 1996-2015

Previous projects



Malin M (2006) Biovalta, toiseus ja naisten toimijuus hedelmöityshoidossa. Stakes, Tutkimuksia 156, Helsinki. (väitöskirja, thesis) (Biopower, otherness and women’s agency in assisted reproductive technologies)

Scientific research articles 

Conference presentations

  • Malin M, Dunvaly A, Jamil de Montgomery C, Lorentzen T. (2019) Educational paths of migrant origin youth in Nordic. Migration Conference 2019, 17.6-20.6.2019 Bari Italia.
  • Lyytinen E, Malin M. (2017) Success stories of labour market integration by youth with a refugee background in Finland. Oral presentation in IMISCOE, Rotterdam, 28.6.2017.
  • Malin M. (2016) Experiences of violence among Kurdish and Somali youth in capital city area in Finland. Oral presentation in EUPHA’s 6th European Conference on Migrant and Ethnic Minority Health 23.6-25.6.2016 Oslo.
  • Malin M, Grönlund N, Wahlbeck K. (2013) Mental health policy and the mental health care system in the southern Finland. Oral presentation. Eleventh Workshop on Costs and Assessment in Psychiatry, MENTAL HEALTH POLICY, ECONOMICS AND HEALTH CARE REFORMS Venice Scuola Grande di San Giovanni Evangelista March 22-24, 2013.
  • Wahlbeck K, Malin M. (2013) Mental Health Services Mapping and Comparison in a European Context -the Example of Finland. Oral presentation. World Psychiatric Association WPA REGIONAL CONGRESS: Innovation & Excellence - Primary Care, Mental Health & Public Health Integration: The Catalytic Role of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Bukarest 10.4.-13.4.2013
  • Raisamo S, Malin M, Lindfors P, Kinnunen J, Tiirikainen M, Pere L, Rimpelä A.. (2011).Multilingual web survey for collecting health data from linguistically diverse adolescents. Poster presentation in the EUPHA meeting in Copenhagen. 
  • Malin M (2011) Gender differences in health and wellbeing of ethnic minority minors. Costhome monthly meeting in Lisbon 24.3-25.3.2011. (Theme: health of migrant and ethnic minority women and girls; Costhome=Health and social care for migrants and ethnic minorities in Europe)