Sanna Blomgren
Official title: Researcher
Tel. + 358 29 524 7068
E-mail: [email protected]
- Social, health, rehabilitation and employment services for unemployed people
- Multisectoral collaboration
- Client perspective on public services
- Social assistance
- Evaluation research
Primary duties
- Research and evaluation concerning the service and benefit system for people in weak labour market position
- Research and evaluation of social assistance and adult social work
2003, Master of Social Sciences, Social Policy, University of Helsinki
Professional background
- 2011–, Researcher, Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL)
- 2004–2006, Researcher, Employment and Economic Development Centre for Uusimaa
- 2002-2004, Research assistant and researcher, National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health (STAKES)
- 2002, Research assistant, Research department, Social Insurance Institution of Finland (Kela)
Language skills
- Finnish (native)
- English (excellent)
- Swedish (good)
- Blomgren, S. (2023) Palvelut ja etuudet heikossa työmarkkina-asemassa olevien toimijuuden tukena. [Supporting the agency of people in a weak labour market position with public services and benefits] Janus 31 (1):24–42. English abstract
- Blomgren, S. & Männistö-Inkinen, V. (2023) Toimenpidekokonaisuuksien toimeenpanon arviointi. In P. Saikku, M. Joensuu, V. Männistö-Inkinen & J. Poutanen (eds.) ”Täällä ei sanota, että ei kuulu meille”. Työkykyohjelman arviointi- ja seurantatutkimuksen loppuraportti. [“Here nobody says that it’s not our business” Final report of the Work Ability Programme Evaluation Study.] Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL). Report 2/2023. Helsinki: THL: 30–47. (in Finnish)
- Partanen, J; Männistö-Inkinen, V; Blomgren, S & Saikku, P (2022) Multi-sectoral work ability services are developed in the Finnish Work Ability Programme. 22nd International Conference on Integrated Care. Conference abstract. International Journal of Integrated Care 22 (S3): 210.
- Kivipelto, M. & Jokela, M. & Blomgren, S. & Perlinski, M. (2019) Social sustainability and the organization of social work from the perspective of Finnish adult social work practitioners. In S. Hänninen, K.-M. Lehtelä and P. Saikkonen (eds.) The Relational Nordic Welfare State - Between Utopia and Ideology, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, 184–201.
- Blomgren, Sanna & Karjalainen, Jouko & Karjalainen, Pekka & Kivipelto, Minna & Saikkonen, Paula & Saikku, Peppi (2016) Sosiaalityö, palvelut ja etuudet muutoksessa. [Social work, services and benefits in a state of flux]. Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL). Report 4/2016. Helsinki: THL. (in Finnish)
- Kivipelto, M. & Blomgren, S. & Saikkonen, P. & Karjalainen, P. (2015) Web-Based Tool for Social Work Effectiveness Evaluation. Social Work Review XIV (3), 19-31.
- Kivipelto, M.; Blomgren, S.; Karjalainen, P. & Saikkonen, P. (eds.) (2013) Vaikuttavaa aikuissosiaalityötä – arviointimalleista mittareihin. Tutkimus- ja kehittämishankkeen loppuraportti. [Effective adult social work– from evaluation models to evaluation measures. Research and development project; final report.] Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL). Report 8/2013. Helsinki: THL. (in Finnish)
- Kivipelto, Minna & Blomgren, Sanna (2012) Social work with adults as a tool for tackling exclusion. In: Karvonen, Sakari; Keskimäki, Ilmo, Kuronen, Maria & Wilskman, Kaarina (eds.) Annual Review 2012. Helsinki: Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL).